HE has MORE!


today I received a Word from our precious Lord.

I went to Beza International church with the Project61 team this morning and man did God have a word for me.  After a solid hour of unbelievable worship to our God, the Word was brought!


the scripture was the story from John 21:2-6 about Peter fishing (and not catching anything) then Jesus telling him to cast his net on the other side of the boat and then he caught so many fish he couldn’t bring the net up to the boat.


It’s amazing what came from that short story in the Word.

The Lord really spoke to me about His promises – and how He has so much MORE for us.


If you’ve followed our story long you know that in August of 2009 I woke up really ready to be a mom.  Having a NEED – wanting and needing to be a mother.  We then tried to have a baby for 1 year & before starting fertility treatment, God placed adoption in our path.  Our lives have taken a drastic turn.  The life that we now know we would have known nothing of if adoption hadn’t come into our life.  This mornings word totally confirmed this.


He was talking about Peter and how he had a NEED (to catch fish to eat!) and how ultimately God had a promise to fulfill (to show his greatness & provide for his need) but in between Peter had to have FAITH.  Peter was about to give up, but Jesus dared him to cast his nets one more time.  and he cast his net and Jesus provided him with more fish than he could even get out of the water onto his boat.  The waters were EMPTY then God said so and they were full of LIFE.  Peter’s life shifted when his life was EMPTY.  Just like our life shifted when our home was empty – when we had a NEED.  Today at Beza they said, “faith is what happens when your need connects to Gods promises”.

faith needs a need.  our NEED shifts us towards Jesus.  but the PROMISE always exceeds the level of my need.  We “NEEDED” the be parents & to fill our home.  Our need shifted us towards Jesus and all that he had for us (which was SO MUCH MORE than we ever could imagine) and in the process our faith has been stretched & strengthened….and now we are ready to receive the PROMISE.


this question really got me today, “could my NEED be Gods blessing in disguise?”  


Our faith has been stretched.  we have grown.  and we are about to fully receive the promise.  The double portion.  our double blessing.  the wait, the struggle, the need – they have all pushed us towards Jesus.  and now He is preparing us to receive his beautiful promise.  He might have left our net “empty” to set up our need.  the double portion.  it’s more than I can EVEN fathom.  I don’t understand why God would chose us for this amazing blessing but I know that with Him there is always MORE.  There is MORE on the other side of the boat,  there is more that He wants to give us, MORE needs that require faith and ultimately a promise from the One who created us.


He is good and His timing is perfect.  I felt 2 sets of arms around me this morning during the prayer after the sermon.  it seems like I wasn’t the only one who knew that Word was for me.  God is so sweet like that.  Sending me little reminders that it’s all worth it.  that we are going to receive an eternal weight of GLORY for these light and momentary afflictions.  He has a beautiful promise that He WILL fulfill in our lives.  and IF my faith is going to grow & I’m going to get stronger before I get there – Jesus, bring it!  I honor you.  I submit to you.  I am YOURS.


Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Joanna says:

    Wynne, that is just what I needed to hear today. We have just come to our 2 year mark of longing and I have no idea how much longer our wait will be but I do know that Gods provision is perfect. Thank you for that encouraging reminder today as its easy to scroll through FB newsfeed announcements and feel lonely & abandoned and like you are the only one. Yet our faith too has grown and knowing how much sweeter God’s blessings are will make the wait all worth it. Praying for you and that you can all be home as a family soon!

  2. I will be praying for you too! I am so glad God met you today and you are listening to His heart. I am excited to see how God does meet your need with His bountiful promises. The fulfiment will be so exciting to see! Blessings, Kristy

  3. Shauntel says:

    Look at those faces. What could be more precious or more pure? I am brought back to this blog, this reminder of MORE today! That as we wait, for we are always waiting for something, the PROMISE is true, the PROMISE of His fullfillment is out there! I often need this reminder to show me and remind me of His faithfulness to fullfill that God given “need” to answer my crys in the waiting and lonely nights or long days! So thankful for this story, this testing and waiting in your own faith to receive a double portion! Yes Lord quicken it! Let it come! 🙂

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