embassy trip – part 2

I really wish that first night when I thought to myself “i should write down the first 24 hours as a parent” that I had.

that first night we were up all night with Camp.  Asher literally slept for 13 or 14 hours, but we were up I think 11 times with Camp.  And staying in basically someone else’s home is difficult when you are up all hours of the night.  Going downstairs to make bottles, trying not to wake your neighbors (who by the way happened to be our good friends! more on that in a min)
but it was exhausting.

I remember a few days before we left for Addis asking Stephen what he thought it would be like to have them home.  
He then proceeded to give me a very realistic list of the day to day as mom and dad, and I told him that sounded terrible and I did not sign up for that and I was scared out of my mind.  

so when we had a dreamy day with the babies that was JUST LIKE what I always daydreamed of, reality set in that night.  the first 24 hours.

I remember just saying so much the first few weeks that, ” parenting is no joke”.  and it IS no joke.  it’s hard work yall.  and when you are starting to parent a child that you haven’t spent entirely too much time with yet, it’s like starting with a newborn.  getting to know them and knowing what soothes them helps.  and I look back now (after christmas) and it’s like I didn’t even know them yet.  I had no clue what I was doing (not that I do now!).  I’m laughing just thinking about it.  I mean, we didn’t take any actual baby food.  we just gave them formula the whole time & then some baby food when we could snatch it from our friend Jason.  oh well, you live and you learn.

but jason!

this is Jason and Will Eyoba.  its seriously so cool how god works.  Jason, Stephen & I were all on our Man Up trip together July 2011.  (also with our friend Mitch)  We were all adopting from ethiopia just waiting for our referrals.  then jason & family switched agencies (same as ours) about the same time we did.  I was there when he traveled for court (his wife had a BABY the week before they were supposed to travel) and then we all went to embassy the SAME DAY!  Seriously?!  Such a God thing.  Since his wife is still nursing their sweet girl at home, he brought his brother and we all had fun the whole 3 days in Addis together.
our 3 days in Addis were basically just full of loving on our kiddos.  waking up, having coffee and breakfast all together in the common area, hanging out in our pjs.  felt like we were just in our friends living room the whole time – all cozy.  Our new best friend Alissa was living at this home & was a HUGE help to both of our families with the kids.  We went out of our favorite Korean restaurant with my good friend Somer, Lindsey & Tesfu, Jason & crew and OUR BOYS!!!
Our boys!  Eyob, David & Biligne are our family in Addis.   I know you’ve heard me talk about them all – especially Eyob, who is like our son.  They all came in from school for the weekend to be with us. It was so special and so much fun to have them around.  They LOVE the kids and I love them – so it was like a big family reunion.
while we were in Addis we also….
we went to the IEC bazaar with friends & saw friends we know and love!
we had our friends the Hilts over one day.
coffee at Kaldis.
went to pray over our friend Mitch & Shannons son Zion (who praise god is HOME!!)
and somehow we have NO pictures to prove it, but one of my best friends Wendy was in Addis and she & my other good friend Meagan came over to the guest house several times.
coffee ceremony at the guest house with the guys
and just lots of hanging out as a family!
me and my kids!
it really was a great few days.
but we were ready to get home & start life!
I never thought I’d say that since I’d love to be in Ethiopia more long term, but we were indeed ready to get home, get them in their beds, and start “real life.”
next post is the flight home story 🙂

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Love reading all about your journey! 🙂

  2. stacey says:

    wynne i am LOVING reading this and cannot WAIT for the next chapter!!!!

  3. mama faith says:

    Thanks for stopping by my little blog-o-sphere! I went to ET for the first time with our church in TN who is partners with the One Child Campaign. And also, a small world, but my best friend from high school (Julie Tilson West) went to Baylor and one of her best friends is Brynn Gustafson, who I got to know when we were both in Julie’s wedding. I think Julie may have been the one that told me about your blog. Can’t remember, but anyways, formally introducing myself…so hi from one Ethiopian adoptive mama to another!

  4. Hannah B says:

    I love hearing your story! Ps…that first picture just kills me! Love it!


  5. Jenny Marrs says:

    LOVING all of the details of your family’s story of the first days together! 🙂

  6. Kara M says:

    Thank you for sharing! Love hearing your story and dreaming of my family’s!

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