28, a look back.

my husband does this awesome thing every year on his birthday.  he makes a list of all the most important, fun, or impactful days of that previous year.  It’s sort of a way to look back & say thank you to the almighty for such blessings.  So. today, on my 29th birthday I’m going to follow his lead.  My 28th year of life was too good not to reflect back on.

28, most importantly made me a momma.  I met my kids for the first time this year.  I fell in love with them + ultimently got to bring them home.  This was hands down, the most celebrated, highly anticipated, and glorious moment of my 28th year of life.  Nothing can beat it.


28 also made me a missionary.  living in Ethiopia for 9 weeks was my dream come true.  living with a missionary family, going to work everyday loving kids and getting a glimpse into the missionary life was a huge highlight.  I believe we are all missionaries right where we are, but for this girl who dreams of living life [with my family!] in the place we have come to love, the gift of a few extra weeks in Ethiopia changed my life.  It gave me a true passion for the lost, and I’ll never be the same.

28 was filled with lots of one on one time with my best friend + husband, Stephen.  my birthday trip to Catalyst West Coast was a dream.  being present, crusing the california coast, being taught by amazing christian pastors + leaders, and just being in the California sunshine was truly magical.

28 was filled of lots of waiting, hoping, praying, and wishing my babies were in my arms.  but in the middle of all of that, were a few beautiful days away from the heartache.  We took a trip to Austin right before we got our court date, and that trip was so good for my soul.  I went to ACL Festival for the first time with Chloe and there is something about being outside, being in austin, listening to music, and being around a lot of interesting people that just ignites some sort of passion + creative thinking in me.  That was the day she challenged me in what this blog was going to look like once the kids got home.  the “anybody” series was also birthed during this trip.  God was so sweet to me that weekend 🙂

We also spent some sweet time with our Man Up family in Springfield, had fun in Waco for Baylor baseball games, fun weekend trips with our No Kids Club friends, fun family wedding, and the list goes on.

There is no way that I can sum up these past 6 months with the kids home.  Celebrating my birthday today with THEM was the biggest gift.  Every day has been a sweet gift from God.  From the day they came home, to Christmas with the family, their birthday party, baylor homecoming at our casa in midland, trips to Waco, Austin + San Angelo, and all the play dates, park dates, and mornings at home in between – it truly has been the best time of my life.  easy, no.  but beautiful, yes. and the picture of god’s promise to us? YES.  I thank God everyday for blessing me enough to let me be Camp + Ashers momma.  I cry when I think about their biological families and all they are missing out on.  I can’t imagine life without them, and I”m so glad God called us to adoption.  It has been, by far, the greatest adventure of our lives.

 I can’t wait to see what year 29 will bring.  Thank you Lord for another year of life!

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Grace says:

    happy birthday again, wynne!! what a wonderful year 28 was, and i’m sure the best is still yet to come! isn’t that the greatest thing about being in Christ? the best is always still yet to come!

  2. desiree says:

    Happy Birthday…. Love everything about this post!

  3. What an amazing, amazing year! Happy birthday to you… you are a blessing!

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