I’ll be at Hope Spoken//will you?

hope spoken
Hi yall, my name is Wynne Elder and I am SO EXCITED about Hope Spoken 🙂  I am a west Texas gal married to my best friend + about to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary, and a “work at home”  [I am a Noonday Collection Ambassador + blogger] mom to my 1.5 year olds, Camp + Asher who we adopted from Ethiopia!
 I love the community and friendships I’ve built around this online space + other social media outlets and am so excited to meet so many friends in real life at hope spoken!  and I am really excited that along with my “online” friends, some of my most favorite real life friends and family will be there!  My mom + youngest sister are coming along with 4 of my closest friends from college!  So my worlds will collide and I am both excited and nervous about it.  I am a conference-junkie, I love to connect with people, make new friends, share my story + hear others stories.  I am anticipating all of those things happening at Hope Spoken.  I think the environment is going to be set up to be totally inclusive for everyone, and I hope and pray everyone will feel comfortable sharing their hearts and their stories.
I am a little nervous for my session!  I am beyond honored and thrilled to be asked to share my story + I know that it’s ONLY by Gods grace + power.  He has written and is writing a beautiful but not-what-I-expected story for my life and I feel like He’s charged me to share that story.  To share the freedom that I have found, and see others set free too.  From now until Hope Spoken I will be processing, writing, healing, and putting my story to words.  Will you pray with me that He would be glorified?
something fun + random about myself:: growing up I was always terrified of having daughters.  mainly because I knew if I had one, I had to have two.  [she would have to have a sister//spoken from the oldest of 3 girls] we had 24 hours to say YES to adopting Asher, and although it was a terrifying decision, I can’t EVEN IMAGINE if we would have said no.  she is the light of my life!  oh, and we share headbands…..it’s true.  and I wish they made her clothes in my size.
So that’s me // what about you??  What are you excited/nervous/hoping to take away from Hope Spoken??

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Victoria says:

    Hi Wynne!

    I’ve loved reading your blog over the past few years… your adoption journey has grabbed my heart strings and made me cry too many tears. I am so excited to sit in your session!

    XO Victoria

    Ps. We actually have a real life connection.. one of my good friends, Susannah, was in Chloe Hamaker’s wedding with you this Spring! Small world!

  2. Heather says:

    I’m really excited to meet you, Wynne! I love your blog and your heart for the Lord is so evident. I hope we have a chance to sit down and connect a little bit, and I can’t wait to hear your story in person.

  3. Heather says:

    sooooo excited to meet you!!!!!! xoxoxoxooxox

  4. Christie Otts says:

    Just started following you on IG! So great that you’re going to Hope Spoken! I’ve been saying that we need to have a little Baylor meet up at the conference!!

  5. Rhiannon says:

    Looking forward to hearing you & all the other women brave enough to stand in front of a large crowd and share your stories!

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