on my heart. [coffee + friendship]

I feel like a lot has changed since I became a mom.  Is that an understatement?  Well, it has.  In all areas of life but whats particularly on my heart tonight is my friendships.  I love people, I love relationships and I’ve always been that way, it’s how God made me.  I’m a people person, someone who’s friends with everyone, a “floater” I might have used to say.  I’ve always been the one to flutter around different groups of people and I have to admit sometimes I have a serious case of FOMO [fear of missing out].  What I now know, is life before kids looks different than it does now.  Wait, did I already say that?  What I’m getting at is, time with friends is a precious luxury.  I’ve found myself saying this week to at least a few different friends “we’ve GOT to have time just the two of us!  without the kids!”.  But why is it so hard?  Talking while chasing down toddlers or making sure they don’t drown isn’t my idea of great conversation.  It’s important to get away, get time alone with good friends. [and alone time with your man, and alone time just you….]

[a picture of Asher just because…Happy Friday!]

I keep hearing myself say, “since having kids, my friendships are different”.  and they are! they are richer! fuller!  and I have been able to really invest in the people that I’m walking this life with in this season.  No, I can’t go to every coffee date and I hardly ever  never go out to lunch anymore, but thats ok.  I’m enjoying this season.  of diving in, digging deep, being real, and investing in the precious friends God has in my life.

This week I had coffee with my girl Jenna.  It was way overdue.  We sat outside Starbucks for close to three hours.  3 hours people!  It reminded me of how thankful I am for friendships that are real.  ones that are sometimes messy.  friends that you can bare your sole to. share your junk with. celebrate with.  change and grow with.  friends that know everything about you and love you anyway.

I love this season we are in.  It’s simple, it’s low key, it’s spending time at home more, it’s investing in the beautiful lives God has laid before me.  it’s not feeling guilty or not feeling sad that I can’t be all and do all like I used to.  it’s knowing that those seasons will come again, but for now…I’ll take the long coffee dates when I can get em.

what about you?  how do you balance your time as a wife/mom/career gal? 

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Mrs. Gray says:

    I remember struggling with this because I was the first in our group to have kids. I felt like I was being left out because I would no longer get invited since they assumed I couldn’t come. I struggled with it quite a bit, until God brought some friends with kids (and the previous friends started having kids) so I could do life with people in the same season we were in at the time. It was hard, but it’s been so worth it.

    • Wynne says:

      jolie, yes! well, I wasn’t the first at all, but I am so thankful to have friends in the same season to walk with!

  2. jenny marrs says:

    yep, you summed it up! especially with two littles, it is nearly impossible to catch up with friends on the playdates we coordinate for the kiddos to play and us to chat. We ned up just chasing the kids around 🙂 ha! couldn’t agree with you more. friendships are so important and nourishing them is worth the extra effort! had a girl’s weekend this past weekend and it was soooo refreshing and i came home with a hop in my step :).

    • Wynne says:

      jenny, YES! I’m so glad I”m not alone in that! our play group is having a girls trip later this month and I”m so excited! I know it will be a refreshing and intentional time with my girls!

  3. Kailey says:

    I am not trying to balance being a mom, YET, but I do have to balance being a wife, friend, daughter, and teacher. I will say that being a wife outweighs all of them. And I try so very hard to make sure that I reflect its importance in my schedule. I say no to things to spend time with my husband. I think the husband and wife relationship is the most important relationship besides ours with Jesus. I do have tons of time in the summer to grab lunch and coffee with friends. During the school year I have to make more of an effort because of teaching, but I feel like my relationships with my girlfriends bring me closer to Jesus and make me a better wife.
    I really loved this post and I am lovin’ reading your blog! :)))

    • Wynne says:

      kailey, yes and amen! your relationship with your husband comes FIRST. I”ve found that date nights and more intentional now that we have kids. we SO look forward to that time alone together. maybe it was harder when we didn’t have kids – b/c you could go on a date whenever you wanted – but still have to be intentional!

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