Friend - what if I told you that starting today, you could change the course of your life by really deciding who YOU want to become. Does that excite you? Scare you? See, I was the girl that grew up thinking her life would look a certain way, I thought I’d have a “ring by spring”, married with a steady job, 2 kids, a house and a dog and work until we retire and then go on adventures. (Very American dream). For a little while there my life was going “as expected” - I got married right out of college, we bought a house, got our first dog, and things were going great (that’s when I started this blog by the way!)... but then things took an interesting turn. In 2008 the economy shifted and suddenly we were left without a steady income. All of a sudden we were semi forced down the entrepreneurial road (which we now are obsessed with, and can’t imagine not living).
A few years after that, we also struggled to fulfill our next big adventure: getting pregnant. Our intention and plan was to conceive a baby, but God’s plan was for us to adopt.
In 2012 we brought home our two oldest kids, Camp + Asher from Ethiopia and our world was “gloriously ruined” (as we like to call it). Our eyes had been open, and our life started to shift in ways we would have never imagined. Fast forward a few years, and we were able (with the help of IVF) to conceive our miracle girl, Rivers Glory. I’ll never forget being on a family vacation and holding a sleeping Rivers on my chest reading Heather Avis words in her memoir, “My wildflowers have required me to be a certain kind of wild myself-the kind of wild I couldn't have become on my own. Today I see I was created for profound experiences far beyond the reach of simple expectations”
This is why I will forever call my kids my wildflowers. They have produced in us a grit we never would have had. They have each shifted and changed our lives for good. They have shown us that life can grow in the most unexpected places, and beauty is everywhere if we just look for it.
Since having Rivers + Ever Joy, life has really shifted. What started as a pretty predictable path, has turned into quite the journey. Today Stephen and I together run multiple businesses, 50/50 parent our four kids, open our home to various groups of people, pursue Christ and the people he’s put in our life, and we do it all with great intention. You see, life hasn’t looked like we thought it would but we are growing into the people we are becoming , pursuing each other and our family with great intention. We have often asked ourselves this question from Brene Brown, “are we the adults we want your kids to grow up to be”?
That gives us something to pursue. To be the kind of people we hope our kids will one day grow up to become. “Like wildflowers you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would”. Life doesn’t have to look like you (or someone else) expects, heck sometimes getting off the beaten path is the most freeing thing you can do.
Deciding who you want to become can allow you to set the intention for your life. YOU my friend were designed to have a life full of purpose, meaning and impact. It’s time to uncover your purpose, and live with intention.
It is my great passion to walk with you and cheer YOU on as you discover the person you were meant to be.
We’ll talk about being intentional in our marriages, our mothering, our homes, our friendships + community, our faith, and our care for ourselves.
The summer of 2010 was the summer “our plans” were totally disrupted (gloriously ruined as we used to say!) with a challenge by a college student named Katy to consider adoption.
A few months after praying about it, we SAID YES, and two years later we traveled across the world to Ethiopia to bring our children home.
In October 2012 we landed back in Texas with then 7 and 8 month old Camp + Asher in our arms.
The journey to go from 0-2 kids was one that built our faith, challenged our sanity, and displayed the love of Christ more than anything ever has. Come and read more of the story ….
Honestly, I know this might sound sort of strange but I really am grateful for the decade long struggle with infertility that we’ve experienced. It is for sure nothing I would have ever chosen, but it has brought me to my knees and deepened my faith so much. Infertility led me to surrender the life I thought I wanted, to live the abundant life God had in store. He “gloriously ruined” our lives in 2010 when after a full year of trying desperetly to get pregnant, he put adoption in our path. If things would have happened how and when WE wanted (getting pregnant), we wouldn’t have Camp + Asher. They are the lights of our lives and have opened our eyes and hearts to so many passions.
However, adoption didn’t fulfil the longing in my heart to carry life. We went through loss, failed fertility treatments, surgeries, diet change, shots, IVF and everything inbetween to get to our miracle girl, Rivers Glory. A full SEVEN years! It seeems after all these years, we are still in the place of longing to carry another precious life in my womb. So, sister, I am in this with you. My hope + prayer is you know you aren’t alone in your struggle. I’d like to invite you to read more here.
To know me is to know am obsessed with keeping an uncluttered home + uncluttered life. I am obsessed with organization, and I can't wait to see YOU put these tips to use in your own life!