passion & burden for the people of Korah.

Let me just preface this by saying that the last few nights have been pretty sleepless. The images from my time in Korah have been running through my head tirelessly. My goal was to get all of my pictures edited before this weekend so I could start telling the stories and using the images to raise awareness, prayer and financial support for these beautiful people. Sitting down at my computer the first two nights of the week to edit these images, I just wept. It was like I was reliving the stories, my heart was breaking over and over again. All I could do was cry out to God and pray for these dear friends. But last night, after a 3+ hour coffee date with my friend Katie, I returned home full of strength from God to edit the images. I think I’ve been trying to delay what I know I want to do because I’m afraid that I won’t get a response, or that people won’t feel as connected to these kids as I would like, or that what I set out to accomplish won’t be accomplished. (key word: what I set out to do) I’m just being honest. But God has been good to me and has put a burden on my heart for the children of Korah and a passion to see them all get sponsored to go to boarding school this fall (they start September 30th) and to get all the supplies they need for school. It’s my prayer that as I tell you the stories of these precious ones that the Holy Spirit would move you to act, pray and to give.

The Lord gently reminded me Monday that I have to live with open hands & that I can’t make these kids idols. He cares for them more than I ever could, He wants them to go to school more than I do, He wants them to have food & shelter more than I do – HE WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM! We were created in this world for one reason: to bring glory to God. That’s what I want. For Him to USE ME, for Him to use these gifts and passions that He has given me, ultimately for lives to be changed.
I wish I could sit down with everyone of you and tell you the stories face to face like I have done the past two weeks with a handful of friends. I wish you could hear the passion in my voice, see the love on my face, and cry with me as so many have already done. I want these stories and these images to come to life! I want these people to be REAL PEOPLE to you and not just a face from the other side of the globe. I am praying confidently that God can USE me and USE these images and stories for His purposes, to bring Him glory. It’s time that I stop being afraid and start believing in the power of my prayers and know that ultimately, the Holy Spirit will do the work. I’m just an instrument – use me Lord! So I’m going to start telling you the stories and continue to PRAY BIG that God can use us right where we are in America to reach the nations. Get ready šŸ™‚

For more info:
Project 61 website
Project 61 on facebook
to donate to Project 61:
{way more on how to get involved to come!}

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, Iā€™m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when Iā€™m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. SarahR says:

    Girl, I’m right there with you. I left Uganda/Ethiopia on July 27 and haven’t gotten around to blogging (or even starting a blog for that matter). I find excuses like my kids keeping me busy, etc. I want to tell the stories of the children I met, but Satan keeps whispering that I’m not a good writer and there are other blogs out there that all say the same thing. Well God didn’t send me on this trip for me to point to other people’s blogs. My voice needs to be added!

    Praying you will find the words and I’ll be reading it šŸ™‚ I’m making a goal of getting something started this weekend!

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