birthdays, birthdays and MORE birthdays

Stephen and I have had 5 friends/family members have babies in the past two weeks!! We wanted to take time to REJOICE with them and share their cute babies with you šŸ™‚

First, my cousin Elizabeth and her hubby Bryce had their first baby Benjamin Matthew Erickson arrived Wednesday, March 11

Ashley and Austin Evans had their first baby

(It’s so funny because Austin and I have known each other for years first through summers at the lake then from Baylor! I actually haven’t spent any quality time with his sweet wife Ashley but I feel like we are good friends through her blog! ha)

Brooke Heidi Evans was born March 22nd

My precious big sis from Pi Phi, Casey and her hubby Chris had their first baby

Aiden Christopher was born March 22nd

Mallory and Jeff Heifrin had their first baby

Jeff is one of Stephen’s best friends from aTm and while he was driving to Houston Sunday, he got to stop off in College Station to meet sweet Ansley!!

Ansley Grace Heifrin born April 1st

Last night our good friends Kari and Cory Rylander had their first baby!

(Cory and Stephen were good friends at aTm and him and his wife Kari were our first couple friends/only friends when we moved to Midland. Much of our fun out here has involved these two!)

Cade Weston Rylander born April 6th

No picture yet but hopefully we will get to meet the little guy soon!!

*Not any of these pregnancies were easy, but it’s so amazing to see these precious babies now with their earthly families. God is so good and so faithful. It’s bee so neat to have prayed for all these little ones and their moms over the past 9 months and to see them (well, in pictures!) alive and beautiful!

This week was also filled with fun friend’s birthdays!!!!! Goodness, April is a BUSY month no matter how old you are…..Thank you God for one more year of life for ALL my friend’s with April birthdays.

Cecile, my new fun Midland friend (who I have known for a few years and just recently moved here!!!) turned 24 on April 1st.

One of my BEST FRIENDS EVER from Baylor, Alice Anne, turned 25 yesterday
Cousin Ross, Stephen’s first cousin, turned 27

My new sweet friend Terri from church in Midland turned 28!

(She’s the one right next to me on the left!)

My soulsister/fellow church rec major amazing friend Brynn is turning 25 on Saturday

Laura is turning 25 on Easter Sunday

Laura is the one with the BIG smile and the hat!

Laura and I grew up together – our birthdays are 8 days apart and we had EVERY birthday party together growing up. I wish I could scan some of those pics in here. Needless to say, we have celebrated pretty much every year of life together in some way or other!

In even MORE NEWS, my good friend from high school Lacie called to tell me she’s ENGAGED!!! We are so excited for her šŸ™‚

I also have some precious friends who are EXPECTING! Yeah for a new round of babies and mommies to pray for!!! Stay tuned for more info….

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, Iā€™m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when Iā€™m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. you are too sweet!! thank you for including brooke on the blog and all the prayers.
    and i feel like i know you so well too! cant wait to actually spend time together this summer!

  2. Melanie says:

    and hello….its your birthday on the 20th!

  3. Becca says:

    Gee Wynne, doesn’t it make you want to have a baby?! šŸ™‚

  4. The Lacys says:

    just saw your the sweet comment that you left on my blog…just learning how all of this works. SO excited to keep up with y’all! love you Wynne!

  5. Jordan says:

    Wow!! Lots of birthdays! Happy B-day to you too soon!

  6. kinsey says:

    is your birthday april 20th?? (i counted 8 days from easter sunday…) because if so, our wedding date and birthday are the same!! ha!

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