Casey was my big sis in Pi Phi at Baylor.
We were close at Baylor but not as close as we are now.
God knew what He was up to when He put us together way back then.
When I was pledging, I had the BEST gifts in my baskets because Casey was my big, and she was an artist even back then.
Now God has taken her skill & passion to a whole. nother. level.
I have loved watching her family, her faith, and her business grow.
She is an encourager to many.
She asked me to write my story on her blog today – and it was an HONOR.
Check out her blog here:
Her art:
She’s an amazing artist, if you are in the Dallas area & you have little ones, you should for sure take them to their studio: a little artsy! They do parties, art camp, and more! Check them out here:
Thanks for taking time to read our story & give Casey some loving!
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
aw wynnie! LOVE YOU
I just read your story on Casey’s blog!!! So inspiring, girlie!! You have a BEAUTIFUL heart!!!
I found you through your guest post on the Wiegand’s and I am here to stay. I love your story.
I just read your guest post on Casey’s blog. I LOVE your perspective on life! Being a woman who’s longed for a baby for two and a half years now, I understand how easy it can be to focus on that and not on what God wants. But, I love that you are choosing to see things in His eyes, and know that His plan is best! Thanks so much for sharing! xoxo
i absolutely LOVED your post on Casey’s blog. my husband and i have wanted to adopt internationally for about 7 years now. we are just waiting on God’s timing. i cannot tell you how much it blesses my heart to hear of other couples taking this journey. i will now be following your blog and i can’t wait to see how God uses you guys! 🙂
I read your post on casey’s blog. i love this: “HE was the one who made me & He knows me better than anyone. He has a plan and purpose for my life and I had to trust in it.” Such a good reminder. Thank you!
Hot tears are flowing… Thank you for sharing your story, because your story reflects mine and what we have also been struggling with for the last year now. I am stunned…. amazed, right here on my couch, I am sitting… and as I read your words, it’s as if God was talking to me, comforting me, teaching me through you. God bless you, thank you for sharing… for giving me hope, focus, and blessing my soul. All my love and best wishes, Amy
Tonight I found your blog through Casey, I found Casey a few weeks ago through…..The Pleated Poppy I think?
THIS is the kind of blog I’ve been searching for! I’ve been reading blogs for years, mainly WASTING my time on various posts about “before & afters,” “how to’s” and various other stuff. And it’s all just stuff. I’m finally finding blogs that I REALLY want to read. Thanks for sharing all of this! Looks like I’ve got a ton of new reading material!
I loved your post over at Casey’s blog. I didn’t see a place to comment there. I love that you are living a life to glorify God. I want to be like that too. You are a good example. And I love that your heart is open to adoption. I would love to recommend a site to you called Reece’s Rainbow ( It is a site dedicated to getting special needs children (mostly in Eastern Europe) adopted. And here is a link to a video of a what is happeneing to these precious children over there…( Usually these precious children are raised in baby homes until they are the age of 4 or 5, and if they are not adopted by then, they are taken to adult mental institutions, where they are left in a crib, and tied down 24 hours a day, where they slowly go insane. There is no one to hold them, or hug them, or tell them that they are loved. No one ever holds their little hands, or plays with them. Any skills such a walking or talking all disappear. These children are bright and beautiful, and because they are differently abled they are shunned by an entire country of people. They are hidden away from society, left to die a slow painful death. I just had to share. People are so wrapped up in the “perfect” child, but God knows that every child is perfect, and a gift to be cherished. God Bless you guys on your journey…
thank you thank you all for your sweet comments! I’m so excited to have new friends in blogland. let’s all keep encouraging each other and looking to HIM! Thank you for listening to my story. God is good!
I’m so glad you posted on Casey’s blog because that’s how I found you! I’m so excited to read more of your story!
God’s blessings!