photography + adoption = love

I don’t really even know where to start.
Almost 2 years ago, God put me in a class at church called “Digital Photography for Ministry”
I got in because our mission pastor had to drop out the night before.
That class changed my life.
Seeing how photography could be used for ministry.
and actually learning how to use a camera.
after that my photography business was birthed {not something I ever thought I’d be doing – but God gave me this gift. on a silver platter it seems like}
and I love it. I love telling stories.
I started doing it full time last October after our family decided to adopt.
{not because of that, but it was right around the same time}
but last January, I started asking God for more.
I wanted to go on a mission trip & tell stories.
I asked people who’ve done it how they did it and they all said the same thing – just put it out there and just do it. (read about it here)
so I prayed.
the next week I got a call from the same missions pastor that dropped out of the photography class saying, “I know this is last minute but could you come to el salvador over spring break to photograph & tell stories of the people there”
WOW God that was fast.
Since then I’ve been to El Salvador, Uganda & Ethiopia doing just that – telling stories with images.
I’ve used those images since I’ve gotten home to advocate for the people & ministries we worked with and have since been recruited to go on another trip with Visiting Orphans over New Years – and guess what I’ll be doing….photographing!
I get back from the trip & decide it would be really cool to go with families to pick up their children and really tell the story through photographs. Once again, I start asking around to people who have done it in the past. They all say the same thing I was told before: put yourself out there & just do it.
So I’m talking about my upcoming mission trip on facebook & saying that I really want people to come along with me (Note: since then, there are now 11 people coming with me on this trip!!! 10 from my home church & my sister! happy happy girl!)
One of the fellow Noonday Ambassadors said she would love to come but she hopes to be picking up her son at that point.
I tell her I would love to photograph adoptions and if a friend paid my way over the first time, I’d do it for free!
Note: Noonday Ambassadors are an AWESOME community of women, if you are interested in becoming one of us, email me (
So that night I also emailed Jessica, founder of Noonday Collection, to ask her a few questions and tell her I was going on this trip. Because she was about to go to Rwanda to pick up her son and I thought she would think it was cool I was going over New Years.
So I get a call from her Wednesday morning, “Wynne, I know this might be crazy but I’ve been praying and dreaming and I want you to come with us to photograph us picking up Jack”
I called her back & left her a message telling her how much I love her and her dreamer spirit.
Are you serious? That was fast God! YES!
Something like this would never have happened if…..
a. I wasn’t willing to do this for free if someone paid my way
b. hadn’t just come back & had all my shots, and knew exactly what to pack/etc!!
So…long story short, we texted and emailed back and forth from Wednesday – Friday and by Saturday her parents & in laws had helped them buy my ticket and it was a done deal!
Which means, I’m going to Africa FRIDAY!
I just can’t believe God’s provision on my life. I mean, I can believe it. You know!
I marvel in every single one of these details that has prepared me for the next thing.
That He would give me this gift and then allow me to use it.
that this gift would not be just for me, but it would bless others.
that people will see the Honnegers adoption story unfold as I capture it with images.
How is this my life?
How do I get to do what I love?
I firmly believe it’s just in being obedient to God in the simple things – taking that class, saying yes to going to el salvador, saying yes to wanting to help families document their stories. It’s not about me. It’s about the bigger picture and I’m so excited to be along for the ride.
I’m going to be posting more info about Noonday Collection in the next few days & how you can pray for us and follow along our journey.
But I just wanted you to know the story.
Thanks for walking this journey with us!
PS- if you have NO IDEA what Noonday Collection is, head over to my website here:
happy shopping 🙂
and read more of my Noonday story on my blog here
happy reading 😉

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Kay, I hope I don’t appear to be a stalker . . . 🙂 This post is just everything I have ever dreamed. I’m so excited for you. As I was reading your words I just kept thinking, yes, that’s what I want to do . . . and then I realized I have been keeping my dreams to myself for too long and need to tell them to God. Thank you for making me realize this!

    Oh, and I emailed Jennifer from Noonday on the weekend about getting more info on being an ambassador but haven’t heard back yet so if you could send me some info that would be awesome!

  2. Wynne Elder says:

    Chantel – that is amazing! send me your email & I’ll get you info about Noonday! she’s out of the country for a bit but I can help you!

  3. Lauren says:

    so so so SOOOO excited for you!!!!!! This is amazing!!!! 😀

  4. Whitney says:

    So amazing! This totally inspires me to just do what I love, be open to big dreams, then obedient when God moves. Can’t wait to see the pictures and experience part of this awesome journey through your pictures soon. So happy to be part of the Noonday community now too. I know we’ve never met, but so wonderful to know we share a heart for the same things.

  5. Wynne Elder says:

    thank you Lauren!

    Whitney – yeah! we have to dream BIG dreams!!!!! glad you are a part of this crazy noonday world 😉

  6. Brittany says:

    ok as I’ve said before I LOVE your blog and totally want to do that too!! I am going with a dear friend and my sister-in-law when they pick up their babies!! Can’t wait!I have a TON to learn about photography though;) Also- I am SO excited you are going to Rwanda!! (and just a teensy bit insanely jealous!!) Ok but anyway the reason I’m commenting AGAIN:) is that I found out that my “family” in Midland knows you!!! Garen Glasscock is my first cousin!! She had awesome things to say about yall and said you were a dear friend to her!! Crazy small world!! I’ll be praying for you this week!! Happy packing:)

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