Many of you have heard me talk about my good adoption momma friend in Midland, Jenna.
Her and her husband, Phillip & two precious boys (whom I love to go over to their house just to snuggle with them!) Beckham & Parker, are adopting a precious 3 (ish) year old girl name Emme from Ethiopia!
They have already gone to meet her & are waiting for their embassy date so they can pick her up and bring her home (exactly what we will be doing with Camp!).
My other adoptive momma/bloggy friend from Houston,
Beth, had an idea & a vision and the
Give1Save1 campaign was launched. In her words,
Give 1::: Every monday I’m going to ask you for a dollar. I’m going to tell you who it’s going to and what it’s being used for. We’re mostly funding African adoption for the people, by the people. We’re just going to rain down a crazy blessing on a family, organization, orphanage, or project and we’re going to do it every week. We’re going to get huge. And the world will be changed for lots of people because of your generosity. That sounds exciting, doesn’t it?! Let’s do it.
Save 1::::And your dollar will be saving and restoring lives in all kinds of ways. In Ethiopia one in six children don’t live to be five years old. There is a desperate need for basic food, clean water, and medicine. Removing a child from an orphanage gives that child a family and a future, something everyone needs. It also frees up a bed in an orphanage for another orphan. Your dollar will change lives and save lives in ways you may never know.
Everyone has a dollar, right? Her idea was that one person can’t give $30,000 but everyone can give $1! Every week she features a different family & guess who’s going to be on in January….the Elders!
So join in, follow the blog, subscribe by email (like me) so you don’t forget a family. Go on, watch their video (I made this one for Jenna!), check out their blog, pray for them, love them.
Let this be something you & your family do for adoptive families – even ones you don’t know. Believe me, it has
eternal significance! Do it as a family.
Tell your kids about it. Get them in on the praying & giving! Even if it’s just $1!!!!
Jenna is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. If it weren’t for her I don’t know if I would have gotten through this past year, much less everything that is coming in the future. She has given blessing upon blessing to me & now it’s my turn to bless her! I need your help – let’s do this!!!!!!
Go ahead…..give them some love!!!!
Headed there now.
what a sweet, precious girl! loved loved loved the video! thanks for sharing.