created for care.

Texas girls!  Noonday rep Krista, Cassie, Chelsea, Noonday founder Jessica, me, Heather & Julia!
Seriously LOVED getting to know all these girls in real life as many of them have been “blog” friends!!
Created for Care really was a blast.
one of the MOST FUN things was getting to meet so many wonderful gals!
meeting up with bloggy friends, friends from Midland, Noonday gals, and other Texas girls was oh so fun!  We worshiped together, learned about how to effectively use your blog for ministry, HIV+ orphans, raising adopted kiddos, how to style african hair (well, ok I didn’t go to that one….probably should have…), how to be an orphan advocate, and so much more together!  We stayed up way too late, went through McDonalds drive thru late night (holla!), shared our stories with each other, shed a few tears, laughed a lot of laughs, and basically just bonded.  When else are you in a room with over 430 women who are going through the SAME THING as you?
One thing I didn’t expect to be difficult was the, “So, do you have kids at home” question.  I’m not going to lie – my heart ached for Camp.  My heart ached to know who he is, to see his face, to be a MOMMA.  I sort of zoned out a bit when they were talking about parenting strategies because let’s face it…I have a while to learn about that!  But the first night when we were worshiping, singing the words
“and if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us, and if our god is with us then who could stand against”
was P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L
in a room with such amazing women.  it was inspiring!  
I feel like just getting away led for the Lord to SPEAK.  or rather for me to LISTEN.  (read this post) I am still pondering in my heart what He started to reveal…I’ll keep you posted…but until then!  some pictures & blog links for my friends from the weekend!! 
this is my friend Emily
I stalk her blog.  we are now real life friends.  I love her. 
Midland gals, Holly & Amanda
don’t know what I’d do without these two! 
Krista, Asher & me before the pj party! 
talking tats….yep…..
me & Krista
seriously a friend of my heart.  Love this girl.  She encouraged me and loved me so well this weekend. so glad to meet a fellow Noonday ambassador!!!
me & my roomie for the weekend, Lauren
Lauren!  oh!  we exchange emails a few times a week and it was a JOY to get to know her in person and get to talk and share.  we stayed up WAY too late both nights….love you!!  
Loved spending time with these Texas girls!  Late night McDonals run & all 🙂
Sarah, Krista, Rachel & Claire! 
Seriously, a God thing we connected.  Rachel & I have a similar path to adoption and it’s not one I’ve heard from many others so it was amazing to get to share fears, struggles, heartaches and joys with each other.  She is also a give1save1 family 😉  LOVED her friends too.  amazing girls with hearts for the orphan! 

repping Noonday all weekend!!! 
Always love spending time with Jessica.  I always joke & tell her she’s like my older sister.  But I am so so thankful for her.  sad I didn’t get a pic with my new friend Missy….fellow Texas girl too!! 

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. It’s been such a blessing to see the beautiful connections so many made! Can’t wait to join you all one of these days!


  2. Lauren says:

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I steal our pic and post it to my blog and fb? haha I’ll leave the watermark on. 😉 I had SO much fun! I can’t wait to get together again. Now that I’m all healthy again I’m wishing we could go again in March because I’d be way more fun and we’d stay up even later! haha Talk soon! Love you!

    ps – oh and I definitely know how you feel about the “do you have kids at home?” But of course you know that because we have walked the same road. I can’t wait for the day when you see Camp’s face! Praying fervently with you!!

  3. and i love you, my friend.

  4. JustJess says:

    Oh my goodness. Thank you for posting! This looks amazing and I am certainly convinced I HAVE to go next year. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  5. Rachel Leos says:

    Love this. It is crazy how our stories collided in a “random” breakout when you recognized me from give1save1. I am already so blessed by our new friendship and can’t wait to continue the story!

  6. Kylee says:

    Wynne! I am Cara’s sister and I loved meeting you Sunday, even if it was so briefly. I love stalking your blog 🙂 I’m glad that the CTC conference was such a refreshing time for you and I am praying for your journey to Camp!

  7. Oh this makes me soo excited for March, when I go for the first time! Just stalking your blog from the C4C fb page 🙂 Looks so wonderful!

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