calling all dreamers.

I have a dream.
yep, today is Martin Luther King Jr Day.
I’ve had these thoughts swirling around in my head for about a week about being a DREAMER and just felt like today was the perfect day to write them down.I was inspired yet again today, by a man who dreamed big.  who risked everything to dream.
and look what has come of his big, audacious dreams. 

I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

He also dreamed that his kids would not be judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. 
that too is a dream of mine. 

back to dreaming.
I ran into someone recently & when I asked how they were and what they had been up to they said something that you & I say or hear said a lot, “oh we’re just going through the motions”.
my friends, it’s SO EASY to just go through the motions.  I know it is.  I struggle and battle with it too.

but in that next moment God reminded me big time, that we should always be praying big prayers and dreaming big dreams.  

remember when you were a kid & someone asked you what your dream was?
why did we stop asking that question?  or beleving those dreams could come true? 
while we might not still want to be a professional singer (yep, gotta actually be able to sing for that one)
we have real life dreams that God has put on our hearts.

I’m reading a book called The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson  and yall I keep reading the same pages over and over.  It’s so good.  I just need it to seep into my soul.  I picked it back up this weekend and this is where I landed,

“If you’ve never had a God-sized dream that scared you half to death, then you haven’t really come to life.  If you’ve never been overwhelmed by the impossibility of your plans, then your God is too small.  If your vision isn’t perplexingly impossible, then you need to expand the radiuses of your prayer circles.”  
God is ABLE to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.  (eph 3:20) 
so why don’t we believe him sometimes? 
why don’t we dream big dreams?
pray big prayers? 
and believe for God to do the impossible?
I don’t know about you, but all this talk about dreaming and praying big challenged me to go back to God in prayer and ask Him what he wants of me. 
to look at my passions & my position and not be afraid to dream big.
this past week, Stephen + I served at something called Challenge Day (which you’ll hear more about tomorrow in my anybody post) and we had a “buddy” who we shared dreams with.  
My sweet friend shared with me it’s his dream to play in the NFL.  
I encouraged him to go for his dream!!
I didn’t tell him that there’s a high chance that won’t happen, I believed in him and encouraged him to GO FOR HIS DREAM! 
and that’s what I wish we could do for each other.
encourage each other, meet together, talk about our dreams & our passions. 
a few friends of mine & I had a “dreamer” lunch recently (alison talks about it here) and it was incredible.
it didn’t take much but just asking each other what we were dreaming and praying about. 
So, I want to encourage YOU to do the same.  find a friend or two and open up + talk about those god sized dreams, and then encourage and pray for each other on the way to god fulfilling those dreams! 
my dreams need a whole other post, but I’ll leave you with what I told my Challenge day buddy: I hope to be a mom to a whole lot of kids who wouldn’t otherwise have a family.  

what are your dreams?! 

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. QueenLos says:

    dreaming is sooo stretching for me. I was raised in a home where that was not encouraged and now it is really really hard for me to dream or imagine the impossible. I think I should really read this book!

    • Wynne Elder says:

      you should read it! and you should dream!!! my friend alison has a similar story w/ taking risks – and now she lives in rwanda! you just gotta get past how you used to think of it & open your eyes to what god wants now! dream big!!!

  2. annieglan says:

    Have you read the Dallas Clayton books? If not, you need them. They are my kids favorites.

  3. Hallie says:

    Such a God thing that I stumbled across your blog today. I’m a college senior (graduating in may!) and I’ve been struggling and yet so excited about the possibilities of after graduation. The past few weeks I’ve been stuck in fear, unable to pursue some obvious opportunities because of general anxiety about the future. We did a video study of the Circle Maker in church last year, but I haven’t read the book, so I just ordered it after reading your post!
    I’m praying through and for opportunities to work with organizations who provide women with jobs in third world countries so that they can have the means to keep their children instead of giving them up for adoption or to live in children’s homes. I’ve seen that so much of the orphan problem could be solved if parents had the means to support the children they love.
    Who knows what God will do with that, but I know it will be impossibly more than I could ever hope or imagine.
    Thanks for encouraging people to keep dreaming and trusting God to keep being God. :]
    p.s. we did Challenge Day in high school. did you love it? it’s a pretty powerful way to shake up the “normal” high school experience.

    • Wynne Elder says:

      hallie! you are absolutely precious!!! wow, thanks so much for finding me and reading the blog and sharing some of your story. fear is a huge factor that holds us back – our pastor talked about fear this past weekend. i’m becoming more aware of it & how it affects me. and praying in jesus name for it to stop! what you want to do sounds amazing & I totally agree with you! I’ve had several friends have that story w/ their adoption child(ren), it’s heartbreaking! god CAN do more! keep dreaming and praying and believing!!! love your blog, you are so precious!!!
      i did love it – it’s sooo powerful!!

  4. Hannah B says:

    Giiiiirrrrl! I LOVE this post! I have so many things to say about this! It’s right in line with what has been spoken over me and my husband Aaron recently! The sermon at church this Sunday was over this exact same thing. I took some notes:

    “You know the desires of your heart are from God when you can’t accomplish them on your own.”
    “Radical faith gets radical results”

    And The Circle Maker is an AMAZING book! I have a quote from that up on my chalkboard in my office.

    “Having vision beyond your resources is synonymous with dreaming big. And it may feel like you’re setting yourself up for failure but you’re actually setting God up for a miracle. How God performs the miracle is his job-your job is drawing a circle around the God-given dream.”

    Bam. That’s a good word right there. 🙂

    My dreams? Well, I want to be a published author and write my own books. I want to travel the country (and world) to lead and speak at marriage conferences with my husband. And I want to be a momma…via pregnancy and adoption. Ps. We just announced today on our blog that we’re adopting! I’m SO EXCITED! We just started but we know this is where we are meant to be and are so peaceful and confident in it. Can’t wait!

    Thanks for this post and sorry for the long comment. lol I got excited. 🙂


    • Wynne Elder says:

      hey hannah 🙂
      i love your comment! and love those quotes – from radical? love the quote you have in your office – seriously good and motivating. to trust god for everything and not ourselves!!! and love your dream!!! going to check out your announcement now 😉 ehhH!! yay!!!!

  5. Amy says:

    Oh my oh my. So spot on for my family right now!!! Hopefully our little “dream” will come to be within the next few weeks and I cannot wait to share it!!! Copied and pasted that quote into my Facebook status because you are right, it is just too good not to share!

  6. To live out Isa 58 this yr, in a way I never have before. I am praying about ways to do that and one specifically that’s still a bit hazy, but I know it will become clearer as the days go by. As Jennie Allen says in her book, “Anything”, my Africa can be right in my back yard. I just have to be willing to pray for it and surrender to whatever that looks like. I’m in.

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