it’s late Thursday night + I’m having one of my “in the mood” late photo editing nights.
thinking about the day.
seriously, adoption has changed our whole life.
it has expanded our world view ten fold.
people that we might never have had the opportunity to know, we now consider family.
I mean, when did we ever go over to our “ethiopian parents” house for coffee ceremonies?
or go to gotcha day parties + celebrate orphans no more being in their forever families?
it’s insane.
and I love every minute.
we want our kids to KNOW all about their culture.
so we love when getanah & wosene speak to them in amharic + even oromo (their tribal language)
we love it when we participate in one of the greatest traditions of their home culture – the coffee ceremony.
tonight, as our sweet friend Lana’s daughter Eva Rose met Camp + Asher for the first time, Lana told her simply that they come from the same place that she does.
Eva just studied Asher and said in her 3 year old voice, “mommy she has hair just like me & Lomi do”. Yes, Eva she sure does. and her skin is the same as yours.
Eva strokes her skin and says an enthusiastic, “yeah!”
“and her eyes are black too”
simple conversation but it still stole my heart.
Emme, it was an honor to celebrate your gotcha day tonight. I can’t believe it’s been 1 year since you’ve been home. I still remember so well sitting in YOUR room with YOU IN IT just in awe. after months of no Emme in that room, that day you spun me around in your chair it all became real.
you are a beautiful joyful and have the best-laugh-ever + I’m blessed to know you! (jennas blog here!)
camp + asher, may you never lose your Ethiopian roots.
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
So sweet friend! You are the best mom! 🙂
aww 😉 thank you!!!
Love you and all of our Ethiopian children!! What a blessing to have you in my life!!
yes I sure do love all our ethiopian children!!! and you 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about this post! One of the things that I am most excited about in terms of Noonday is the hope that it will encourage more people to adopt in Mississippi. 🙂
oh yes!!! that is going to be amazing mccall!!!
amazing pics! makes me smile so much!
love you aa! can’t wait for you to meet em 😉
What a sweet little conversation…Beautiful! Yes, praying for that adoption boom!
Your blog is such an encouragement! As we are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia (waitlist 15 months), I often wonder when the connections happen with other Ethiopia families. We have made connections with adoptive families, but only one other Ethiopian family that is 2 hours away!
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ah! i teared up. LOVE this. ET babies are the prettiest. love love that miss emme has been here a year:) so exciting to have a little community here. love you! and ps that pic of asher at the end is THE CUTEST EVER!!
love you!!! haha asher… 🙂
Amazing Connections
An Amazing GOD
and SUCH CUTIES!!!!!!
just precious!! and that last picture is a rare gem!! xoxo
just precious!! and that last picture is a rare gem!! xoxo
she’s pretty hilarious, huh? love you!
beautiful. and so true – you will find your people & they will bless you beyond measure 🙂
thank you 🙂 yes – people….they are a blessing!!! thank god for community!
Thanks for the encouragement! Josh and I get discouraged, because we do not know any Ethiopian families in our town. They are there, we know, but we can’t seem to find them or connect with them. Our closest adoptive friends live 2 hours away.
My best friend from High School is Ethiopian and she is pretty excited for us, but she lives on the other side of the country!
I pray God brings us strong/close Ethiopian connections and friendships!
[…] coffee was discovered in Ethiopia? I know I’ve talked about the Ethiopian coffee ceremony here, here, and more places. but let’s just talk about it again. from starbucks website, […]