Can I be honest here? I think so. I’ve just had one of those mornings. A. I am super sore from doing Stephen’s water carry with him last night (@wynne4 for all the pics on instagram) and B. well, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I’m trying to blame it on hormoes, or something like that. My prayer time + prayer journal this morning said things like, “god, can you even hear my prayers? are my prayers fake?” [talk about transparency]. So many things are swirling around in my head, so many prayers, and so much of this season seems confusing. Maybe confusing is the wrong word, but the future just seems too far out there. Stephen keeps saying we are in a season of “transition”. But who knows where we are transitioning to? I’ve watched some pretty incredible things happen in the lives of some good friends lately [in the form of new jobs, new moves, healing, new babies] and the enemy just seemed to tell me this morning: it’s not your turn. god has forgot about you.
thankfully, there is VICTORY over the enemy. and he is WRONG. God has NOT forgotten about me. He has a plan, and although I cannot see it – He is going before us. I sat down on the couch this morning at my Mother in Law’s to get my laptop out to write + came across some old word docs from last summer. One of them was titled “big dreams and visions”. I am a dreamer. and I’m dreaming big things, and having faith for big things. but sometimes when the dreams and the big things seem to happen for everyone around you [and not you] you lose hope. I know, I know. but I love that God reminded me that I am right where I’m supposed to be RIGHT NOW.
that was yesterday. and thank the lord, today is a new day. I really am thankful for His grace and His mercies that are new EVERY DAY. The enemy was really sinking his teeth into me yesterday [that’s a strange picture?] and I am thankful for my hubby for speaking truth into my life last night when I literally had a hissy fit/breakdown on our way to date night. This morning I woke up praising God, and instead of asking the hard “why” questions, I want to instead FIX MY GAZE on Him. I don’t want to believe the lies, I know I am stronger than that. I want to just focus on Christ. and be thankful for where we are right now.
My bloggy/insta/adoption mama friend Alaina posted this picture on her instagram the other day and it was perfect. THAT is the scripture that God gave me back in January – to cling to his promises and have faith to believe He WILL do what he said He will. I WANT to be a woman who trusts her Jesus WHOLEHEARTEDLY.
now…onto writing some happy posts thanks for listening.
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
needed this. xoxo
love you Kacia!
Thank you for your transparency. I can relate. I was in a period of time where I didn’t even really know what to pray for because nothing “big” is going on right now. I started “The Circle Maker” book by Mark Batterson with a ladies bible study group. It really has helped me and it may be my favorite small group bible study I’ve done. It spoke to me about prayer at a time that I really needed it.
I love reading your post and getting to see glimpses of your life.
Cheryl, I love the CIrcle maker too! You reminded me that I need to continue to PRAY CIRCLES and pray BOLD prayers. thanks for that encouragement!
such a good post. I have been feeling the same lately, thanks for the reminder.
one thing I’ve seen this week, is we are NOT alone! we are all in this together!
YES. Just yes. I loved your raw honesty. I am right there with you living in a transitional phase. We know God is calling my husband to a new job, we know He wants us to be willing to move, our hearts desire is to serve others, and we so desire to begin the adoption process that we have prayed about for 6 years. But He has kept us waiting. All of our desires are meant to glorify Him so it’s so easy to want to take matters in our own hands, but oh how much we have learned in this wait. I was reading about Sarai in my She Reads Truth bible study, and wow. I realized I totally get her restlessness while waiting on God’s promises. Anyway, just wanted to say I GET IT and I am praying for you in this transitional time! *And thank you for that scripture, so needed that!
Mallory, thank you for sharing YOUR heart. I feel like you too, back in the season of “waiting”. My husband always says, “my hands are wide open”. one thing I know, God does not waste our time in the wait. I was praying and crying out yesterday just THANKING him for the wait, and asking too why is it so hard? haha. but knowing ultimately that there is a reason & this is a season! you are not alone – we are in this together!
My favorite part about being a child of The King is that it’s a huge adventure! Any part of your life could change at any moment, and you just never know what is going to happen next :).
Enjoy the adventure.
YES Kelsey! that is amazing, that is SO TRUE! I say a version of that all the time, but I needed to be reminded of that today
I’m a new follower of your blog and I already love you! (Hope that didn’t sound creeper or stalker-ish!) Thank you for being so HONEST about your struggles! It is so easy sometimes to read people’s stories and think they have it all together and never fear, or doubt, or worry. Thank you for being transparent and allowing the Lord to work through you. To use even your doubts for HIS GLORY, because they ministered to me just now. He works ALL things according to his purpose, and for our good, even when we don’t think the “good” is what we wanted it to be. You just inspired me to keep on keepin on. I want to be the woman who loves and trusts her Jesus WHOLEHEARTEDLY as well! My husband is on a mission trip to Spain right now, and I’m fighting the enemy that keeps filling my mind with every possible worry and fear. I KNOW my God is SOVEREIGN and I will TRUST Him. My pastor said this morning that we should ignore every voice but the Lord’s voice. His sheep know HIS voice and don’t follow after any other. I choose today to listen to the Good Shepherd and all His promises. I love this post and I will most definitely be keeping your blog on my favorite list.
Thank you for your words and sharing your heart. You just never know when the Lord will use your struggles to bless another.
Mindy! LOVE IT
not creepy at all. I love how this little thing called the internet has the ability to connect hearts! being transparent and raw is hard sometimes – but god ALWAYS reminds me that in sharing my struggles, I’m opening the door for others to share their struggles too. we are NOT alone although sometimes it can seem that way. we all have junk that we are dealing with in our lives – and it’s so nice to just get it OUT OF THE DARK so satan can stop lying to us! i will be praying for you as your hubby is gone, and trust that god is drawing you closer to Himself during this time (even though it’s hard!). that’s right about listening to gods voice only! press on, girl! thanks for being a part of the story!
love you, wynne…. you’re such an inspiration. going back to read God’s word is such an encouragement and boost when you’re feeling as if you’re being hit from every angle. glad this scripture reminds us of just that….. certainly, Elizabeth wouldn’t have had to encourage or bless such a woman if there wasn’t an alternative or the temptation to doubt.
our God is good…. and loves us even when we’re “too exhausted” to do anything but whisper mumbled thanks or too frustrated to do anything but kick and scream! (I’ve been there many times!!!)
you’re not alone and our Lord definitely hears you!!
Your transparency is beauty!
love you alaina! thanks for that encouragement and for posting that scripture at JUST the right time!
[…] God for rain! I just wanted to say thank you all for your response to my blog post this weekend, (on my heart). I genuinely felt your prayers and love and am so thankful. If anything, I learned that we are […]