What our Summer looked like

I have LOVED getting to document our year through pictures each month [here] and I’ve missed it this summer.  so, hold tight.  this is going to be a loooong “what our summer looked like” post. 🙂

We’ve had quite the summer.  I’m was trying to hold onto it for a little longer, but I can’t lie and say that I am getting the itch for fall.  This summer was incredible – finally being in one place as a family.  Last summer, me & the kids were in Ethiopia and Stevo was here, so this summer was particularly special.  We made some great memories and I don’t want to soon forget them!  So, this is going to be a long post.  Consider this my summer scrapbook…

well Stephen + I spent 12 days in June leading a Man Up mission trip to Uganda + Ethiopia.

you will hear a lot more about this in the coming weeks….starting tomorrow….come back  🙂

we missed our babies but were so thankful they were in such good hands with family while we were away.

the day after we got back, we couldn’t wait to give them their prizes we got for them!  traditional ethiopian clothes for both!


6.23.13 [the only “weekly” pics I took all summer…]

we also had lots of fun in Midland in June with lots of exciting reasons to celebrate!  baby shower, graduation party, gender reveal + 1st birthday party!

I also got to travel to southern California to celebrate our precious Julie marrying the love of her life!  Such a sweet time with my college besties!

one of my favorite parts of the summer is hanging with “my girls” who are now in college or graduated from college!  Precious girls like Alex who I got the chance to mentor + walk with when they were in high school/college.  girls that are so dear to my heart that I miss tremendously when they are away!  Bekah + Alex, I love you dear sisters!

I wanna call this summer the “summer of the water carry”.  Stephen committed in July to carry a 50 pound jerry can full of water 44 days to raise awareness and money for the people of Burundi + South Sudan.  I spent many a summer nights at home while my man was hitting the pavement.  So far, he raised almost $6,000 for Water is Basic and their efforts in Africa.  I’m so proud of him!!

my favorite holiday!  July 4th!  so much fun to finally get to spend it as one big family at the lake!!  I wrote about sweet summertime here.

stephen planned a night away for us [staycation] while we were at the lake with my fam.  we spent the night at the hotel we got married at + it was so great to just be the two of us!

the family fun continued in Waco for the first annul Camp Trippet!  read about that here.

we had so much fun in Austin celebrating our nephew Lawson’s 1st birthday party with the family!  I love the pictures we have of our kids with their great-grandad and great grandmother dean dean!

we had A LOT of good family time this summer.  such a fun weekend in San Angelo with Stephen’s fam.  lots of swimming, date night, playing on nanny’s porch, and the dogs even got to come!

who doesn’t love a good Saturday night bath time?

our sweet Camper man graduated from Physical Therapy!!  We are so so proud of him and all the hard work he’s done to catch up!  and a BIG thank you to our PT, Morgan!

our front porch got a much needed makeover!

August was a busy busy month!  We started the month off celebrating Stevo’s birthday! traditional birthday breakfast that morning + then a fun bowling party with friends that weekend! Happy 31st babe!

on Stephen’s birthday, Chris Wiegand pulled into town for the highly anticipated #americanblogger interview!  what a fun day + such an honor to be a part of the film!

Jenna and I had so much fun road tripping to Dallas for the Declare Conference.  On the way, we even got to stop by Chuy’s in Dallas to meet my friend Shelby’s daughter, August, right off the plane from Ethiopia!  So fun to catch up with old friends + meet new ones!

pretty rare to get TWO girls weekends in a row, but my Midland girls and I had a BLAST in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  I had never been, and boy was I missing out!  the food was fabulous, the weather magnificent, great shopping, relaxing time at the pool [with magazines!], a fun clothing swap, and just all around GOOD conversation with GOOD friends.  So thankful for this group of women who encourage and love each other so well.

one of my favorite parts of summer were DATE NIGHTS!  or days 😉  spending time with Stephen is my favorite.

Last weekend we celebrated Stephen’s grandads 95th birthday!  It was a really special weekend with the family – all the cousins/aunts/and kids were in attendance!  The kids had so much fun with their cousins Rose + Lawson in the baby pool in Nanny’s backyard.  If this isn’t summer…I don’t know what is!

grandad’s 95th birthday celebration included Saturday breakfast, followed by swimming at the house they lived in for 40+ years, then a fun party at the club that night complete with dinner + a jazz band [that camp loved!]  weekends like this remind me how important family is + how blessed we are to have TWO amazing families.  Happy 95th Grandad, we love you!

of coarse, we had lots of fun just around the house + around town.  swimming, playing with friends, at our grandparents houses, eating out, going to the park, and just being KIDS! What an amazing summer!  Thank you God!

this weekend we said “goodbye” to summer + hello to fall!  Oh how I love the start of football season!

**thanks for hanging in there for this marathon post//it really is more just for memory sake!!**

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Jessica says:

    Beautiful photos!! so glad you had a great summer!!

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