as I’m writing this it’s Thursday morning, it’s snowing outside, and I live in Texas. Our weather in west Texas changes at the drop of a hat – and I have proof – during my garage sale Saturday I was seeing signs of spring at 65 degrees, now it’s 11 degrees and snowing. I am pretending today that I live in Colorado, and probably look ridiculous with my Hunters, big “colorado jacket”, some Noonday alpaca and a big green crochet headband. I am sitting in my cozy corner at my local Starbucks, and it’s a venti skinny vanilla latte kind of day. who’s complaining.
Something that I wanted to make a priority in 2014 was taking time for disconnect and rest. We live in such a connected world, and have everything at our fingertips all the time. It’s really easy for me to get pulled into social media + my love affair with my iphone 5. I am a good mix between first child-type A-organized- planner girl and creative free spirit. Is that strange or what? The Lord is teaching me a lot about worry and planning. It’s been a constant prayer for grace, and I’ve learned that I absolutely have to keep my eyes straight on jesus all the time. that’s also where the prayer for grace comes in. I am one of those people who has lists in her head, all the time. Unlike a lot of my straight up free spirit creative friends, I have that big part of me that’s still a planner. but really, I should know by now that there is NO point to worry. The bible says, “don’t worry about tomorrow”, and why should we? We aren’t promised tomorrow, every single day is a gift. If we are still breathing, God is not done with us…isn’t that a beautiful reminder? So with my overscheduled calandar and commitments, God has been hammering this lesson in me. and it’s refining me. but sometimes it’s not pretty.
so today, today I rest. I disconnect. I’ve been to Target and Hobby Lobby to get my list of things for the kids birthday party next week, their valentines party at school, and my shoe cutting party Monday….[did I mention over scheduled?] and now I rest. my resting goes in spurts, as those of you with little ones know. Today, I have a few hours while they are at church parents day out and last night I had a little time after they went to bed + the hubby and I had spent time together. Wine + a book in the bath is my night time disconnect of choice, and today it’s writing and coffee alone at Starbucks. which that’s another weird thing about me – I think despite the fact that I am a major extrovert, I am secretly an introvert.
I think I should have told you this post was going to be all over the place…this is just what’s on my heart this week. It’s been a good week on the blog – we talked about opening up + being vulnerable, I told you how you can get involved with shoe cutting parties, and how you could bless my sweet friend Sarah in her families adoption, and I told you about my February goals. I’m hitting the road this morning with my bff Jenna to meet up with some other friends in Austin for the IF Gathering. I’m praying God prepares my heart and some soul work is done as I ask, “IF God is real, then what?” happy weekend lovelies!
ps..come back Monday for some pretty amazing Noonday samples I’ll be selling!
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
My son is very ill and in this season where we live with my in-laws after uprooting ourselves from another city (due to finding out my son’s diagnosis being fatal) and putting my kids in a new school, I’m tempted to ‘go there’ and wonder, “When this season is over, what will life look like? How will we move on? Where will we live, what kind of schooling will we choose?” But in this most challenging of season, I’m reminded just as you have said, we are given today and that ‘today’ is a gift and tomorrow isn’t mine- it isn’t promised. For a very free- spirit, that’s still a challenge but I’m learning. And I’m SO JEALOUS you are a creative that ACTUALLY plans…the best of both worlds 😉 Thanks for your post!