what’s your WHY?


As we approach the new year, I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions.  Dreaming, planning, goal setting, and trying to decide where it is the Lord wants me to focus my time, energy and creativity next year.

I’ve found it very helpful to ask the simple question…WHY.

I was perusing twitter this week and Mary DeMuth had some great blogging advice: “Pray first, don’t just blog because you’re supposed to.  There needs to be a compelling why”.

While I was compiling my look back at 2014 list, I was reminded WHY I love blogging so much.

First, I absolutely love to document and share our story.  I think it’s so easy to get caught up with how many people are reading, or commenting, but the truth is- even if no one reads, I will ALWAYS have these words.  My KIDS will always have these words!  Do you know what I’d give to read my mom’s journals from when I was a kid?  To know what they were going through, what struggles and joys they had.  To read in chronological order what their year looked like?

Our pictures and words tell the story of our family for generations to come.

That’s not my only why – but as I’m sitting up in the mountains with my family this week I realize that even if it’s just for them – it’s worth it.

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It’s hard to believe that I started this  a blog almost 7 years ago as I way to keep friends and family in the loop after we moved from central Texas.  Though I’ve always been a journaler, I never considered myself a writer.  I didn’t even share links online with anyone for years!  That changed when we started our adoption process and the blog became Elder Adventurers”.  All of a sudden I realized there was a huge community of people out on the world wide web I could connect with.  I started to connect with other families that were adopting, and since at the time I had no real life friends who were adopting, this was super important for me.

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My sweet Lauren was one of my very first “blog friends”.  Here we are 4+ years later, having been together when they met their girl in Ethiopia, having spent a weekend together every year at created for care, and now starting a ministry together!  I never would have thought this could be my reality.  Blogging through our adoption was what really started to grow this community and connect me to likeminded people around the world.


I will never forget my dear Chloe throwing down a challenge to me right before the kids came home – she asked me what I was going to do with this space once I was knee deep in life as a stay at home mom It was through that challenge that my “anybody” series was born.  And another huge WHY of my blog is getting a chance to share others stories!  To encourage and inspire you to live a great story.  To introduce you to missionaries, and adoptive families, and organizations that are truly changing the world.  I hope this space broadens your world view and gets you thinking about the story you could be living.


I’m extremely humbled that my blog this year allowed me to travel to Uganda + Rwanda to advocate for organizations and ministries that I absolutely love!  I am forever grateful for Sole Hope, Noonday Collection, and International Justice Mission for allowing me to bring YOU [my readers!] along with me across the world.  To bring you stories of hope, and empowerment, and justice.  To again, show you that this world is so much bigger and opportunities to love and serve are endless.  You can find those stories here: #bloghope #styleforjustice 

and lastly, I blog because I love to write.


Writing is free therapy.  Writing is how I put words to what’s going on inside my heart and mind.  Writing is how I preserve memories, tell stories, and express feelings.  Writing is my art.  Writing is what I would do if I had an hour all to myself on a Saturday.

I want to remind myself of WHY I keep this space going, year after year.  

  • document and share our families story
  • connect with likeminded people around the world
  • share others stories + broaden my readers worldview
  • avenue to advocate for organizations and ministries i love
  • an opportunity to write

I want to challenge you….that thing YOU do?  


feel free to share in the comments!

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Molly says:

    Hey Wynne! Thank you so much for sharing your heart and this challenge! I have been asking myself the same question and it has caused me to take some time away from blogging and let God show me what He wants me to do with S&W and find out what my “why” is….beyond, I’m a blogger this is what I’m “Supposed to do”…. thanks for letting me know once again that I’m not alone and for being real with us!

    • Wynne says:

      molly, you are so welcome! you are not alone my friend! can’t wait to see what god reveals for your blog – you are always inspiring!

  2. love you!!! SO grateful for our friendship… all started through blogging! xoxo

  3. Allison Ramsing says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Such an important thing to remember WHY we truly blog. Hope you have a marvelous day!

  4. erika says:

    I love this and I think “why” is such a good question to ask ourselves, no matter what we do!
    love to you, friend.

  5. Amanda Herdina says:

    My “why” is because if given the opportunity to share a beacon of light to even ONE person, then I know I’m walking the right path. God has written my story to relate, but maybe even impact another person going through the same thing. And in the end, it gives me Hope and keeps me going… Whether through blogging, or stepping out on a faith adventure, or simply being present with one another, the Why I Do what I do is to Shine light….

  6. My WHY is because I hope that my infertility story helps other women feel less alone. My other WHY is because writing helps me process it and is cheaper than therapy!

  7. Kailey Birkeland says:

    I love telling my story of how Jesus called us to adoption thought not-so-fun circumstances, but then out of it comes this beautiful story of restoration, adoption, and love!!! Two families becoming one!! I also LOVE the adoption and infertility community in blog world. I have made friendships I believe will last forever. I AM SO GRATEFUL!!

  8. Ashley Danielle Flores says:

    Because I have a passion in my heart so strong to share my testimony with other women and encourage them. God has allowed me to fall and stumble and fall so many times while I was still searching for happiness everywhere but with Him, and now I desire to be a voice in the wilderness for His glory! I write for Him. I raise these children for Him. i serve my husband for Him. xoxo

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