There is something so powerful about realizing that what you have to give is a GIFT and that gift is GOOD. That gift is not for me, but for the people God has placed in my life.
Back in February, I had my Haven + Flourish girls in my home and I came alive. I came alive to the purpose and calling on my life: to love others, to make God known, and to create a space for others to belong.
I am so FOR women. I want nothing more than for women to know their worth, to know their creator, to be in deep rich community and have a place to feel known and to belong.
The incredibly humbling thing, Is through my haven + flourish community, I get to see that come to fruition. I get to see peoples chains break off. I get to see women come to know and love the person they are. I get to see people grab hold of a life raft and feel for the first time in a while that they aren’t in fact drowning. I get to see tears fall as hope is stirred in their hearts. I get to see light bulbs go off in peoples heads. I get to see women come to know Christ for the first time, or the first time in a while. I get to see women pass along the very same permission and passion that they have been given freely to others. I get to see women walk in as strangers, and leave as friends. Deep deep friendships are formed when you share a common goal and a passion and

This is what our leadership retreat was centered around.
Friends doing life with friends.

The chatter freely flowed from stories, struggles, strategy, purpose, passion, ideas….not centering totally on leadership or business, but an intertwining of our lives.
organically, one by one we got the opportunity to speak truth over and into each other . We got to tell each other who we are becoming, and what we see in each other, our “secret sauce” if you will. (this was one of my favorite parts of the weekend!)
We told our stories around the campfire, each leaning and in listening to every detail, and afterwards asking questions and offering encouragement and support. This was something I was so deeply committed to doing, even in the uncomfort, because we are going to be doing life and business together until we are 80+, and my thought was – the first time we were ALL under the same roof, we had to start from the beginning and hear about where we each came from, and how we are who we are today. It was beautiful.

The icing on the cake was surprise and delighting them at every turn: watching my hometown friends show up to serve us with their gifts , and truly inviting others into the story to offer what they had to give. It is such a beautiful picture of life on life community and the way we were created to live. I cannot believe that I get to see such a display of the kingdom of God through my young living business.

This is why I do what I do.
To see people come alive and awake to their passions. To know truly who they are, and what gift they have inside of them to give. To create a community of women who cheer each other on, encourage each other, and truly do RISE TOGETHER.
now, lest you think I have this all figured out and live in it beautifully every day…..I’ll be the first to admit I still hear the enemy whisper, “is this all you have to give? Look at what she’s doing!”. I was reading in John 10 where it says the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus comes that we may have LIFE abundantly. I have to fight the lies with the truth, and establish the facts and not just my feelings. I might not always feel like I belong, but I know the fact is I do. I might not always feel like I’m created for a purpose, but the Bible says I am. It’s a dance we all do, but one that is worthy of our effort.

This is the beauty that I see everyday: women have walked into our community as strangers, and quickly pulled up a seat at the table and became friends. I’m learning that deep down, people crave purpose and belonging more than profit. It’s in the context of relationships that we GROW and BECOME, and that is why we do what we do at haven + flourish. We invest in each other, we desire flourishing for each other, we deeply love each other.
There really is a seat for you, whether you believe it now or not. I pray that you do. mostly, I pray that no matter what table you pull your chair up to, you know that you truly belong and you are worthy of connection, community, and deep friendship.

You have a gift,
Seek it out, and you’ll find it.
It’s your turn to go and give it away.
photos by Audrey Spires and Ashley Monogue.
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!