You are probably wondering, what does “clean living” even mean? If you grew up like me, you grew up thinking that diet coke + lean cuisine was “healthy.” I was raised on over the counter meds, cheesy casseroles, and basically a trip to the doctor every time anything was wrong. There is no shame in that, it’s just my roots and how I want to start this story because since mid-2014, everything has changed!!
If your story is anything like mine, you might find yourself often tired, exhausted, and looking for a lifestyle change. But with all the choices and options out there it can be very overwhelming. You know that as a human, it’s so important for you to feel your best so you can show up and love your people WELL. We also have such a responsibility to be the gatekeeper for our homes, and we want nothing but the best. I have been the exhausted, worn out, overwhelmed mama, but after almost 6 years living this lifestyle I can honestly say I AM CHANGED. Since joining young living, I’ve helped over 6,500 other people make the lifestyle change too and I want this for you!
I want you to feel good, to be empowered, and to feel confident in the choices you are making and with the products that are coming in your home.
Take a second to think about what your life could look like if you felt healthy and whole?! What could you do if you were getting enough sleep, your stress was in check, and you were daily supporting your emotions? What would it feel like if your home was rid of all the toxic chemicals that are hiding under all of our shelves? Friend – THERE IS HOPE!
Where do you even start?? That’s why we are here — let’s get going!

You may be wondering how you actually use these! Remember, we will be there to help you along the way. The best place to start is just to START. There are three main ways to use essential oils – aromatically (diffusing), topically (we love to teach how to make “rollers” for all sorts of things!), and internally (though our “vitality” line).
Diffusing creates such a peaceful environment in your home. Remember what we said about how fast oils start to work when you put them on your body? That’s why we apply topically. The starter kit also comes with 5 oils from our vitality line, making it super clear which oils you can keep in your kitchen.

WHOOO HOOO! I am so excited you are ready to get started on your clean living lifestyle and join our oily family. Let me walk you through exactly how to do this.
- Click here to sign up for your starter kit (my member # is 2004443)
- Pick out your kit! You can choose the Premium Starter kit where you can choose your free diffuser (or upgrade to the gorgeous glass Aria). Or you can click on “more kits” and choose the Welcome Home Kit ($125) or the Thieves Starter Kit or the Ningxia Starter Kit.
- Make your starter kit your first Essential Rewards order – you will receive a $10 credit as well as a free oil (changes each month!)
- Cancel Anytime
- Free rewards program
- Learn more HERE
- Message me! I want to get excited about your new journey and get you plugged into all of our resources!!!

- A welcome email with all of your exclusive resources
- Access to our Haven + Flourish private facebook group
- A welcome kit in the mail with all sorts of resources, goodies, and “happy surprises” from yours truly
- Support from me and our incredible community
- Access to our exclusive business resources if you are interested in that although you never have to sell a thing!
I can’t wait for you to start your clean living journey! I’m here for ya! 🌻🌻
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!