I truly believe the Lord works in so many ways. He speaks to us through his Word (the Bible), through prayer, but also through friends, sermons, and song lyrics. When we have eyes to see and ears to hear, we are open to receive. October felt like there was so much swirling around me and I needed to get back to the basics. ((If you missed part 1 of this story, catch up here)
“The main the is to keep the main thing, the main thing”
This was the title of the journal entries that would change the course of the next few months. I had to genuinely ask myself what my priorities were, what was giving me life versus what was sucking the energy from me, and what boundaries I needed to set in place. Searching my heart, and making my list was the first step. Then I needed to start actually saying no to things.

Within that week, I said 7 big no’s and 1 big yes. The big yes? IVF!
As I type that now, I get a little teary as I’m currently carrying that sweet baby girl we said yes to. The no’s? They all would have been such fun amazing adventures + experiences, but looking back now – the yes will always be worth it.
That afternoon, a sweet friend sent me this sermon podcast to listen to (crazy faith/FOMO) and I could not get enough. The Lord was speaking the word obedience to me, and I was listening. I wasn’t sure what I needed to be obedient to but I knew when He revealed, that I wanted to respond in faith. Because if there’s ONE THING I know to be true about God, it’s that He is faithful. So if he calls me to it, I can trust Him.

After a few neighborhood walks, a few more sermons in the crazy faith series – I felt like God was calling me to GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA. What Lord??? This doesn’t make sense.
I was almost done prepping everything to launch my new site (THIS ONE!), I’d been working months and months on this project that’s almost complete. I’d been working so hard to grow my social media, and I thought if I took a step back I’d lose that momentum. Plus we were moving into the busiest + most lucrative season in my young living business and social media is where I get 95% of my new customers.
“Yes, step away.”
He told me to step away, to take a sabbatical. He reminded me (through sweet friends) that I am still seen, that my voice will still be heard, and God was writing such a beautiful chapter in my story through this.
So, I did a few posts sharing my heart, and I walked away.

I was off social media from November 1- January 26. Almost 3 full months.
During that time, I went to Arizona for an anniversary trip with my husband, NYC at Christmastime for a friend trip, Hawaii with Young Living and of course allllll the holidays. And you know what? After about 2 weeks, I did not miss it at all. I actually was convinced I wouldn’t get back on.
I wasn’t ready until I was.
It was the most peaceful thing to wake up each morning and not be tempted to look at my phone. I loved not feeling the pressure to capture and story every moment of my days. I felt such freedom in not knowing what everyone else was doing. I loved sending pictures via text to family and friends and feeling so much more intimacy in my closest relationships because of it.
I loved quieting the noise.
I realized that social media is such a cheap substitute for real connection.
Real connection is looking someone in the eye, hugging, seeing the tears form in the corner of the eye, hearing someone’s tone, and reading someone’s body language. Social media is just little snippets of our day, it never tells the full story.
Watch this 8-minute video to hear my “coffee chat” talking through all the things I learned through my sabbatical.
I’m not saying that this is for everyone, and you need to do this – but if you are convicted, I would highly encourage and cheer you on to take a step back for a season.

It isn’t forever. But I promise the work that will be done in your heart will be.
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!