What I’m reading + how to read most efficiently

I grew up hearing the words, “leaders are readers” and I can say as an adult, that is for sure true. I personally love reading, growing, and hearing other’s stories. One of the best ways to do that is through books!

I am in a season, personally, of “reading” more through listening on my audible account. However, I do love to hold a copy of a book in my hands, so there are certain books I must own a copy of. There’s something about underlining, dog-earring, and leaving sticky notes in the pages of a book. It makes it so much easier to go back and read.

I do however have some tips for taking notes while listening to audiobooks:

Create a note folder in your phone called “books”

For each book that you read, create a new note with the title as the first line.

Then put that note in the “books” folder.

I like to use the formatting features of “title,” “bold,” and “heading” to make it easier for my eyes to skim. I typically take notes by chapter. So my note would look like “chapter 1”, “chapter 2”, etc. When I’m listening, I’ll often pause it and go to my note to write down a thought. Now, if I’m listening while walking or driving, that makes it a little harder. I will often go back to re-listen or just pause it and return when I can write it down. Lately, I have also just decided there will be some books I will listen to more than once — listen the first time, and take notes the second.

I also have a system for taking notes while reading a physical copy of a book.

If I read it more than once, I try to use a different color pen to underline it. I also dog-ear pages that I want to go back to. Recently I started writing a sentence overview of that chapter at the back of the book. So I can easily go back and see “oh, chapter 3 was about ___”. Remember, we are reading not just to read (and check something off a list!), but to absorb information and grow!

I also like to read more than one book at a time! I’ll share my process with you here.

I like to read a devotional and a book of the bible always. I use the She Reads Truth bible and there is a reading plan for each book of the bible, along with devotionals spread throughout.

The devotional I’m currently reading is New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. It’s a one-pager, and it also has a scripture to read further. If I am traveling and not able to take my big book, I snap a photo of the pages so I can still read while I’m gone.

Then I often will read books in these categories…..

  • parenting
  • personal growth
  • business
  • faith
  • fun/fiction/memoir

My reading system

I know everyone has a different system, but I like to listen to a chapter a day of various books. Here’s how and when that shakes out…

  • While I’m getting dressed, I like to listen to a chapter of a parenting book. It gives me some insight as I start my day as a mama. It helps get me in the right headspace!
  • While I’m nursing the baby, I will often listen to a book on growth. Something that I can easily take notes on while I’m sitting in the chair with her.
  • While I’m making dinner, or folding laundry I like to listen to a personal growth book/memoir/fun book. Something that I can just listen to and not have to stop and take notes.
  • While I’m on a walk (or sometimes when driving alone), I typically listen to business books (or podcasts!)

I often am listening via one airpod in my ear. When I am on a roll with my reading, I chose to read/listen instead of scrolling social media or watching tv.

In this season with lots of littles, mostly the only time I read a physical book is on the weekends, or when we are on vacation. Sometimes I read a fiction book at night instead of tv! The key with fiction, is you have to start a new one right when you finish one or you’ll get out of the habit. *That’s what has happened to me. I was on a roll with fiction, and then I took a break and it’s taken me time to get back into the habit.

I thought it would be fun to every few months tell you what books I’ve listened to or read! So here’s my latest list

I am currently reading:

biz – Essentialism by Greg McKeown (re-reading, this is a fave!)

faith – A Praying Life by Paul Miller

fiction – Summer Island by Kristin Hannah

I am currently listening to:

parenting – Triggers and also The Whole-Brain Child

memoir – Here, Now by Kate Merrick

growth – The Next Right Thing by Emily P Freeman, and Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton-Smith

business – just finished Believe It by Jamie Kern Lima

faith- I just finished The Life you Long for by Christy Nockles

What are you reading? I would love to know!

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

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