Essential Oils

Start your essential oil journey here!

Yay for you!  You are here, you are making a deliberate choice to make a change in your health + wellness and I’m cheering you on for taking that first step!  I am passionate about this lifestyle and equally as passionate about helping YOU feel confident in starting your own journey with Young Living.

Our family has been “oily” since August 2014, and since then we have transformed our home into safe, clean, non-toxic space with yummy smelling oils + products.  We use oils daily for immune support, emotional support, sleep, head tension, seasonal support, energy, focus, hormones, skin care, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Ultimately this is another tool in your toolbox. Something you have in your hands, at your home, for you + your family — all natural ways to bring balance back to our bodies.  YES PLEASE!

What are essential oils?

Ok, so you are probably wondering what the heck even ARE oils?  Plant juice? So let me tell ya – essential oils are made from plants -and through a distillation process, the molecules that make up the oils become highly concentrated.  They are so tiny that when we apply a drop of oil to our feet, it’s absorbed immediately and beings to get to work! Get this: within 22 seconds the molecules have reached our brain, 2 minutes they can be found in our bloodstream, and by 20 minutes they have affected every cell of our body!  SOOOOOO yea, they work!

We chose young living on purpose, and we haven’t looked back.  Their seed + seal promise is something I can stand on and feel 100% confident using with my family.  The most amazing part of joining me is being a part of an incredible community of like-minded people!  We provide incredible resources to help you feel confident using your oils! Monthly classes, facebook groups, one on one help, a place to ask questions + connect with others!  Truly so life-giving and a huge benefit.

So how do you use oils?

There are three main ways to use oils – aromatically (diffusing!), topically (we love to teach how to make “rollers” for allllll sorts of things!), and internally (though our “vitality” line).  Don’t worry, we will help you navigate this new lifestyle!

How do I get started?

So the premium starter kit is the BEST value and easiest way to get started on this wellness lifestyle.

The premium kit comes with 12 different bottles of oils:: peace and calming, valor, lavender, peppermint, frankincense, lemon, raven, thieves, citrus fresh vitality, panaway, digize, and stress away. Plus a diffuser 😍 The diffuser is great for use at night to get to sleep, also in times of illness to clean the air, to help relieve congestion and just to lift the mood or calm the room. (Amen 🙋🏼‍)

yall this is a HUGE VALUE, especially with the new addition of valor + peace and calming.  over $400 for just $65!  

The way that the oils for the kit were selected is because they are so versatile. It’s called the “everyday oils” collection for a reason 👊🏻 It’s everything you need to start successfully oiling, it totally takes out the stress out of what oils to start with.

🌻To maintain your Wholesale discount, which gives you 24% off status they want you to buy $50 worth per YEAR…and if you don’t, they just drop you but you can rejoin anytime…there is no penalty.

There is no risk, only reward.👊🏻👊🏻

To get started you can click to begin your registration here and this is what you will do:

  • Choose Wholesale member (not customer)
  • choose Premium Starter kit and pick your diffuser!
  • then it will ask you to choose an essential rewards and if you you want get free products and rewards right away, this is for you!!  the requirement is to spend 50pv (basically $50) each month and then in return you get product credit (10% for the first 3 months, 20% after that)!! I can help you customize your first order!  If you do choose essential rewards you will get a free oil (changes each month!) and $10 back in points🙋Think of essential rewards as a customized monthly wellness box that gives you product credit in return. the thing I love most about this is it’s totally optional and customizable! no risk.
  • Then go to check out. Enter your payment info and confirm your order. That’s it! 👌🏼
  • I’ll send you a series of welcome emails, stick a customized welcome kit in the mail (along with my favorite emotional roller!), and get you plugged into our haven + flourish community!!

I”m here to help you in any way I can!  Think of me as your oily guide! once you say YES, we welcome you into our community: Haven + Flourish where we will equip you, empower you and walk with you! you are going to LOVE IT!


Can’t wait to chat!! ❤️❤️ Wynne


Questions? Need help walking through the process? Email me! 

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends


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