NKC – Make Love Not Babies


This post took me literally forever to post.  There was a lot of thought and detail and those that weren’t on the trip could probably care less.  But, this is sort of my online journal of the first annual NKC trip, and it had to be detailed!  Sorry for the book…

Memorial Day weekend Stephen and I had to great opportunity to go on our first annual NKC (no kids club) trip with some of our greatest friends!  This group started as we were the ones in our COM group without kids, not trying to have kids, or not preggo.  We thought it was a clever name, and here we are on a trip.  One night after dinner we were discussing the ultimate hill country trip and SOMEHOW we found a weekend and made it happen!  We spent the weekend at Allison’s family’s ranch outside of Fredericksburg and made little side trips all over!  I’ll start at the beginning….

Friday late morning Stephen and I pulled out of Midland for our drive – if you know us, you know we LOVE the hill country.  We went a different route this time and stopped in Menard at this little cafe….grilled cheese was amazing.  Then we stopped in London, Texas.  Full on small town tour.  Then we were so into our CD we were jamming out to (our wedding weekend CD!) that we decided to once again take a detour and drive through HUNT.  Stephen and I both grew up going to summer camp in Hunt, Texas and it has a very special place in both of our lives.  I was so excited to drive through and by Mystic!  We got out to take a picture and then decided to see if our good friends Mary Liz and Edward were around – they live at camp full time!  THEY WERE!!!  It was so funny – we pulled into the gate and walked into their house and Mary Liz says “Wynne?”.  It was so fun to see her nursery, and baby Eastland’s fun stuff!  
We stopped by the Hunt store on the way out, got a koozie, and went on our way.  Then we headed to meet up with half of the gang in Fredericksburg.  Before we headed out to the ranch, we did a little shopping!  I am OBSESSED with the shop Root.  Check out their blog at http://www.rootfashion.blogspot.com/ – Also, next door is the cutest baby store!  I was obsessed with getting my niece to be an outfit, but Stephen told me to hold off for a few more weeks…. (E-Beth, maybe you should check out their blog!) http://www.shopbeulahs.blogspot.com/ They also have maternity stuff.  I was in the store alone going “ahh, owww, cute!!” It truly was the cutest store!  Ok enough, after the shopping we went to the ranch house!  I wish I would have taken more pictures because it was the cutest most amazing place.  The house was up on a hill and it had a beautiful view.  The house was old, but it was restored and decorated beautifully!  We had a chill night making spaghetti and sitting on the porch.  The rest of the crew arrived later Friday night and we stayed up late playing “this or that” (baylor girls – be proud!) and chatting. LOVE IT
Saturday was FLOAT day! Before the float, I should mention that one of my favorite parts of the trip was the yummy breakfast’s we made each morning!  The Zachrys made a yummy meal this first morning and we sat around and ate together.  I love those times – times of fellowship, hanging out, laughing, telling stories.  Those times I will cherish!  Oh, and before breakfast, Stephen B found a snake!  we thought it was harmless, but shannon found out for us via google the next day it was  CORAL SNAKE.  after the guys begged her not tell betsy….let’s just say Betsy was not the last to know.  After the snake drama and breakfast, the girls made sanwhichs for us and the guys, got the coolers and everything loaded and headed on.  Don’t worry it was raining when we left, but we were positive it was going to be a great day to float.  After a fun trip up to the Guadalupe with the Kunkels, we were there!  We waited in line, got everything ready and off we went.  Don’t worry it was FREEZING, and about 20/30 minutes into it – it started raining! raining!  we were troopers and played our silly question games, ate our sanwhiches, and tried to endure the pain.  There are some pretty interesting characters floating the river…..let’s just say when 1/2 the group got out to walk (did I mention it was too shallow?) Shannon and I made some new friends!  After a long, cold, but memorable day we got back in the car and headed back to the ranch….
We finally got up the energy to get showered and ready and headed into town to eat at Hondo’s!  This place was so cute – VERY good cheeseburgers (as seen by Casey’s face), great atmosphere, live music, and good friends!!!
After dinner, we headed out to Luckenbach for their 160th anniversary!  Too bad we missed the live music, but we had a great time wandering around checking out all there is to see.  The guys got cigars, and we just sat around and talked.  We had some interesting run In’s with a man who’s pick up line to laura was “do you ever feel left out…b/c you are the only brunette?” SERIOUSLY?  Then this older woman loved Laura too, kept petting her hair telling her she was a cute girl.  hilar.  then we went into the old dancehall and tried to convince the people to play some music – but we just danced w/o it….it was fun just hanging out.  
Sunday morning, Laura Alli and I got up to do our Sunday “long run”.  wow.  there was this hill that pretty much KILLED me.  but it felt great to be out there, in the BEAUTIFUL hill country running.  After that we had a great breakfast – as usual – and sat around and told funny prank stories, tried to embarrass our spouses (haha), the Kunkels’ made an amazing breakfast.  Later that day the girls got dressed and headed into town for some shopping!  We had fun walking around, going to Root (where I got a super cute dress!)  and some other shops.  We had a great lunch, ice cream, and of coarse it started raining on us!  In the car we tried to each come up with one word to describe each others husbands….that was fun!  Stephen was “goofy”, “funny man”, “fun”….of coarse, such a little kid!  
After shopping and hanging out at the ranch, we headed over to Gruene Hall.  It was a fun car ride with the Kunkels jamming out to some Texas Country.  I must add that the theme for the weekend/well really the theme for the group came about from an interesting character wearing a Hollister shirt at the gas station….”Make love not babies”.  Believe it baby!
We got to Gruene, and just our luck the concert (aaron watson at Gruene Hall) was SOLD OUT!  Don’t worry that Colt McCoy and his entourage made it in, but the NKC was out of luck.  No sweat, we waited and ate at the Gristmill and had a grand old time!  I even ran into an old college roommate – Lindsey Oskin!  So fun!  My favorite part of the dinner was when we had our photo shoot.  We would say a scenario and then the guys would make a reaction and vice versa.  Here are a few of my faves…..
“Your team just won a national championship”  “You just won a shopping spree to Neimans!”
After dinner, we listened to a few Aaron Watson songs outside Gruene Hall and did a little dancing of our own.  All in all it was a great night in Gruene!!!

It was a FABULOUS weekend spent with amazing friends.  God has blessed us so much with these great couples and we are so excited we get to spend time with them.  God Bless the NKC!

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

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