Supper Club Girls Weekend

Names : Sarah, me, Alli, Mary Liz, Whitney, Julie, Scarlett, Mandy and Alice Anne!

This weekend I got together with my college gals for a reunion!  We are usually pretty good about getting together once a year for a reunion – and this was it!  We met up at Mandy’s parents lake house in Cedar Creek outside of Dallas at their beautiful home!  Mandy’s dad took some GREAT pics and I wanted to share some of those with you!  Before I get started, I had to show you the pic above.  It’s my favorite of all of us (minus Emily, we missed you!)

Mandy and AA picked me up at Love Field in Dallas on Friday afternoon and we headed out to the lake.  It was such a fun car ride to just catch up with two of my best friends that I hardly ever get to see, and it’s never just us 3!  It was fun,  and then we got to the house, got the tour and took a golf cart ride around the neighborhood.  We had fun hanging out waiting for the other girls to get there.  Alli got there just in time for a yummy dinner compliments of chef Jerry.  Then finally Scar, ML, Whit, Julie and later Sarah arrived!  It was a late night at the Tate residence.  There was much to be discussed!  
Saturday morning we started with delicious sister shubert rolls and coffee.  We had a great time just lounging around talking.  Since our dear friend ML is pregnant we had planned to have a casual shower for her while we were all together.  Since who knows when the next time will be that we are all together, it was perfect timing.  She just found out it was a boy this week so it was fun to get her little man some goodies!  While laying around in our PJs, we opened her gifts!  I know she loved it all and felt so special and LOVED by all.  Mandy got this fun baby shower game, and it was full of fun questions about babies.  Then we all had to say how many kids we wanted and such.  We all took a pic how many kids we wanted by holding up fingers.  That will be funny to look at later 🙂 Then we had our little luncheon – Mandy picked up some yummy food from Central Market and we all sat outside and had a great lunch.
We attempted to go on the lake, but it was pretty nasty outside.  Mandy and I took out the jet ski and Jerry took the rest of the girls on the boat – once again, no great laying out for our girls weekend, but we love just sitting around talking anyway, so it’s no biggie! We sat around and played “table topics” – we LOVE playing games!!!  We then got dressed and went to dinner at the Pinnacle Club -thanks to Jerry Tate. Saturday night we stayed up late AGAIN talking outside by the fireplace.  It was pouring down rain at one point, but we had so much fun just chatting.  There is nothing like having hour long conversations with some of your best friends. Thank you to Julie for taking me back to the airport!!!
I was sad to go, but glad to be home to my sweet husband and my Milly girl!  (and bagby)
can’t wait for the next Supper Club Reunion!
Pics on next post – I’m having issues moving them where I want them, anyone have any advice??

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

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