you’ve waited long enough – Harper Pictures!!

A few weeks ago {on our tour of Texas} we stopped by the Ruckers to capture sweet Harper! I had so much fun being w/ our friends and capturing their new family of 3! Becca is using her favorite as Harpers birth announcement cards, so that one won’t be on here, but here are some more of my favorites! My first experience with newborns went pretty well! Thank you Ruckers for allowing me to capture Harper!

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. CaseyWiegand says:

    so sweet and you are so talented! love you wynnie!

  2. alli says:

    wynne…these are so great! i’m so impressed! can’t wait to see becca’s fav! xo

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