Hebrews 10:35-36 says,
35So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. (New Living)
I ran across this scripture on a good friends facebook last week & have been pondering it ever since. As most of you know (or have picked up on by now!) I have found a passion and love in photography. I love love love people (always have been a people person) and thrive on relationships. It’s been a blast to photograph friends of mine & exciting to look ahead to the photo sessions I have set up with people I do not know. It’s a blessing & opportunity to love people and to hear their stories. Recently, I have realized that people are just people and it doesn’t cost me anything to ask someone their story (even if it might be totally different from mine) Getting back to my point – it is my dream to be a photographer (well and a mom too!) and this verse just really reminded me that I need to TRUST in His perfect plan & have patience and continue to do God’s will (or pray that I am doing Gods will).
I am working towards starting Wynne Elder Photography & doing photo sessions in the mean time, getting experience and building my business & it’s been a blast. I am going to Love Affair in September and as you know the cost to attend is very high. I have had to trust that if I am supposed to go, God will provide the funds. I really feel like it’s where I am supposed to be & that the timing on it all could be perfect. I have been BLOWN AWAY by the support and kindness of our friends. I am speechless really. It means more than anything to me to know that those that I am closest to support & believe in me and want to help me fulfill my dreams. I can proudly say now that I have enough money to go to Love Affair!!!!!! I can’t believe it! God is so good. Now – I get to start saving towards setting up my website/blog (which I am working on this weekend!) and getting all of my fun marketing material together. I am just blown away! Thank you God for giving me such supportive and giving friends. It means more to me than you could ever know when you give me a word of encouragement!
Quick question: if I started my photography blog, would you still read this one? I want to keep them BOTH up – this one being more personal & the photography one being more of my client photos -but I want you to continue to look at my photos too 🙂 Do you have room in your google reader for one more blog?
If you can, just pray for me as I continue on this road God has me on. The timing and details are all up to Him and I just want to continue in His will for my life. Thank you friends!
I’ll leave you with one of my new favorite scriptures…..
Proverbs 31:25 (New Living Translation)
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.