We have had such a busy and fun fall and I can’t stand to not do a little post about it. I love to look back at my blog and remember funny stories, picutres, etc and it seems like I spend so much time documenting others lives that TODAY is the day I look back and try to document ours. So sit back & go down memory lane with me a bit here….
A few weekends ago my good friend Jordan got married!!!!! And I didn’t take any pictures….seriously Wynne? Well I tried on my point & shoot camera but they were all blurry! So I just have to link you up with Sommer’s blog for photos of the beauitful day!
here! Jordan was a beauitful bride & the whole wedding weekend was just spctacular. From the rehersal dinner at the Petroleum Club, to the bridesmaids brunch at the Raquet Club, to the ceremony and reception!! Highlights for sure were hanging out with all of my new friends. Don’t you love when being in weddings with people make you friends with them? It’s so fun to meet your good friends other good friends from various points in life. We were all just there to celebrate Jordan & Weston! The reception was beautiful – Jordan did such a great job & the band was so fun! This was a first for us – all of our Midland friends at a wedding together! We had a blast tearing up the dance floor. Why didn’t we get any pics? ugh! I was honored to be a part of Jordan’s big day.
There was a little bit of a distraction Saturday during the Baylor football game. Warning: the rest of the post will be about Baylor football pretty much. For the first time in my entire life I missed Baylor Homecoming. It’s really just one of those years because I missed my other favorite weekend of the year (july 4th!) because of camp. But all for good reason & it worked out great š Just saying…it was a first. I thought I’d get to listen to some of the game before the wedding but it was rain delay so I was stuck straightening my hair in my bathroom listening to an old Baylor game from when I was in school. So we get to the church & the game starts. I couldn’t help but look at the scores on my phone & I was cracking my friend Katy up because every time we scored I whispered to her “we scored”. I think by the end of the game she was convinced that I was a TRUE Baylor fan. Halftime score update by Stephen as he was walking into the ceremony (me passing out the programs) and then after the ceremony while waiting on pictures he called me and let me listen to the end of the game over the phone on the radio (did that make sense?). On the way to the reception I got to listen to the post game comments over the phone & it just made my night that Baylor WON & was BOWL eligible for the first time since 1995. I love my Bears! Chris Bledsoe was cracking up at me too & my serious love for football.
{again sorry for the lack of photos from that weekend}
The next weekend was so fun & special too because we got to meet Genevieve!!!!
{thank you iphone pic}
Catherine & Willie are our best best friends and this is their little angel. We got to stay with them on Thursday night and spend some time with G (as Stephen calls her). She is perfect and beautiful and we are in love. We were SO HONORED with they asked us to be her God Parents!!!! We are committed to pray for this little one as she grows that she would know and love the Lord and are honored that they see our faith and devotion and want us to be a part of her spiritual life. Thank you Cat & Willie for allowing us such a great great honor.
Friday morning I got to meet up with my other friend Cat for a little family session! We met at Love Affair & she told me then she wanted me to do their family christmas card photo and we made it happen. It was so good to meet her family, see her home, and just hang out!
You can see more photos and read about them on my photo blog –
Next stop: College Station {yes, still same weekend}
Every year we go back to College Station and spend the weekend with our good friends Jeff, Mallory, and Ansley. We look forward to this trip every year and I think this is the 4th year in a row we’ve done this. Every year is a little diffrent and it keeps changing as our families change. Case in point:
Year 1- Midnight Yell, tailgate, game, dinner, out
Year 2 – Tailgate, Game, dinner, out
Year 3 – tailgate, just us game, dinner
Year 4 – dinner the ngiht before the game with the Heifrins, then game day on our own
next year they will have another little one & then the year after that we’ll add ours to the mix! It’s about to start turning into a slumber party.
But before our fabulous dinner in downtown Bryan on Friday night, we took some photos of Ansley! Check them out on my photo blog
Saturday we made it to the game. Scalped some tickets, parked and met up with my little brothers {basically they are} Carson, Lewis & their friend (I want to call him Mark, but thats not right). Cars is a freshman at aTm and Lewis came down to visit. These guys are seriously like brothers to me. We became friends at Op Camp last summer and then stephen & I have taken them to lunch or dinner numerous times in Midland. Now they are big college guys & it was fun to see them! They came with us to meet up with Mulloy & Glover at the tailgate then on the way to the game they thought it would be fun to go into the open aggie practice field. I’m not telling you this football in these pics was theirs before the game….
Stephen and I had fun at ROUND 1 of College football š
I love Texas A&M fans! We sat down and immeditly the people around us introduced themselves to us and everyone around them. All the guys were in the corps together in the 80s and they had their own little football family and I loved it! It was a great game – but I was anxious the whole time about the Baylor/Texas game that we had tickets for in Austin! So in the 3rd quarter, right after a big touchdown, we booked it to the car & headed to Austin!
Are we crazy? Maybe! We listened to what we could get of the Aggie game in the car, pre game interviews for Baylor game, changed at a gas station outside of town from our maroon to our green and off we were! Scarlett was AMAZING and got us tickets and a parking spot! So we pulled up to Mike & Pam’s tailgate and off we walked to the game. Karen Rockwood, Scar, me and stevo. The atmosphere of this game from the aggie game was a little diffrent…..haha. We were sitting around mostly Longhorn fans and lets just say they were pretty quiet most of the game. I LOVED IT!

We were so proudly doing our “sic em” bears at each kick off, standing and clapping for the Bears and when we pulled off a victory we were jumping up and down! Seriously! THis is HISTORY people. We were all so excited, so proud, and just so excited! My whole fam was there, although I didn’t see them, but we all jumped for joy all night! After the game it was time to end our crazy day and drive back to MIdland. We got back at 4am and started serving in the children’s ministry that morning at church . I’m on the Kids Quest Dance Team and it is SO FUN! We have motions that we do to the worship songs & since it was Halloween we got to dress up! I loved it.
I know we are crazy – but until we bring our little African man home, looks like we’ll be on the road some more.
Next blog post – our Anniversary!!!!
then it’s off to Waco this weekend for the big Baylor/aTm game!
Be back soon š
yall are too fun! way better to be crazy than boring š