I’m sitting at the Houston airport waiting for our connecting flight to Dulles and had to write a quick note to let yall know (if you didn’t already) that tomorrow morning is the day we leave the good ole’ US of A for Africa. Our first trip. The first of very many. I wish I could put into words all the excitement I have to visit a continent and countries that my heart already knows and loves so much. I would like to say we can’t wait to “finally visit” but it’s really only been about a year since Africa has been “on our radar”.
God has really reminded me lately of His providence in my life. This time two years ago He gave me a longing and desire to be a mom. I didn’t understand after a full year of trying to make that happen why it wasn’t happening. I mean, God gave me the desire! Why wasn’t he doing anything about it? I was thinking about it the other day and reading in Deuteronomy 1. It says,
“The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just has he did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place.”
God SO knew two years ago that we would adopt sweet Camp (He knew it before I was born!), He knew that we would fall in love with Africa and for God’s heart for the orphan, widow, the poor and the oppressed. He knew we would be leaving for this trip in the morning to love on orphans. He went before us. He fought for us. He carried us. He has brought us to this place. Lord, the past two years have been hard, we’ve had to be very patient, we’ve had to wait and the wait is no where near over, but you have brought us to this place. Maybe the world of adoption and orphans and Africa would NEVER have been MY LIFE unless you brought us to where we are. Through not getting pregnant. YOU know what’s best for me and I am so thankful that you have given me a little glimpse into why you make us wait sometimes.
Africa and orphan awareness is so much a part of my life. of who I am to the core. I will always be an advocate for these precious children that I have yet to lay my eyes on. Thank you for delaying MY plans for your plans because your plans are SO MUCH BETTER. Thank you for reminding me that,
“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to HIM be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Eph 3:20
To you be the glory. Thank you for that sweet reminder Lord. This journey you’ve brought us on has been a beautiful one so far and I KNOW that you have bigger plans than we can ever imagine. Please show up big for us this week and reveal yourself and your plan even more. We need you. We want you. YOU are the goal. Thank you Lord.
this is so beautifully written. thank you for your honesty, transparency and for sharing your precious heart! we are praying for yall daily and cant wait to hear all that God does through you guys in AFRICA!!!!
I love this post! You are so beautiful inside and out! I am praying daily for this trip to be… well…epic and powerful and life changing. I love that God brought us together. I am hoping one day we will go to the wonderful land of Africa together! I cannot believe you will be in the same city…probably 20 minutes from my little one!!! Its unreal!