
maybe it’s been 3 days since we’ve had water in our house, but the light in the bathroom was fixed today and you would have thought Denae & I hit the jackpot.  We even busted out our “india dance” to celebrate in the hall.  It really is the little things.  Our power was out for 3 days & when the power turned back on, the water ran out.  that means after 4 days of no shower, I headed to the Gibson’s guest house last night for the *hottest* shower I’ve had in Ethiopia, an actual meal, and super fast internet.  It has made me so thankful for all things American.  
I was telling Denae it’s like we are living out Acts 2 – when the early christians lived together, broke bread and prayed together, and shared everything.  With 15 people living at our house, it’s for sure communal living.  I feel like I had a breakthrough this week with the boys & being here is becoming my new normal.  Late nights making cookies, hanging at our “internet cafe” (aka the dining room table) with D & Corey, dance parties, morning rides to Korah with a van full of people jamming to Amharic tunes, hitting up Lime Tree for free wifi, dinners out with friends, yelling at fringe out the van window, waking up at 6am to amharic music blaring on the 3 girls phones that sleep on our crowded bedroom floor, stuffing my face because I don’t know when I’m going to have another meal again, attempting to learn amharic, and loving BIG on the people of Korah is my life right now.  and it’s glorious and beautiful and messy all at the same time.  
Tonight I had to take a moment to go to my room to spend time alone with Jesus.  To be in constant community, constantly loving and pouring out is not always as glamorous as it looks.  It’s tough work & the enemy doesn’t like it.  I constantly need time alone with Him to be filled up!  Will you pray with me that He will continue to use us to see children come to Christ?  That like Isaiah 49 says, “I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth”.  That he will RESTORE to us the joy of our salvation as we tell others about him?


I told the girls the other day that I really want to be a pray-er.  You know?  I want to be a prayer warrior & I want people to know that they can always come to me for prayer.  The only problem is I get nervous.  I feel in my spirit God tugging me to pray for someone out loud with them & I push it back.  But the past few days He’s given me great opportunities: with China (who came to Christ!), with my sponsor girl in the church (after I prayed for intentional time with her!), a random woman at mission ethiopia (that a room full just looked at me & said “you, pray!”) and then today at a home visit at Entoto for a sick man.  God can USE us if we are willing & bold and I’ve been praying to NOT have a spirit of fear but one of power, love & self discipline.  and i’ve been trying to teach this to Eyob too, so that helps 😉  The point – there is POWER.  power in christ and if we are in Him, we all have it inside of us through the Holy Spirit.  Tap into it!  go there!  and know that as a believer, there is ALWAYS MORE!  
well, thanks for listening to me.  this is my therapy, ya know?  time here is good.  it’s sometimes hard, and I miss my husband (a lot!), but God is at work and I am so thankful to be a part of it.  Thankful to be a part of the Gibson 7 too and know that this time with their family is god-authored.  He is so good to set amazing godly families in my path to watch do life together!  The man up team is getting here tomorrow night & I CANNOT wait to see my good friends from our trip last summer (the trip that changed it all!)  
here’s to power.

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Jen says:

    That was our youth camp theme this year: being AUDACIOUS! There’s power in being bold for Christ and in prayer life. You’re inspiring so many people you don’t even know !

  2. Katie Cook says:

    Wynne:) I just found your blog, and am so thankful I did! I am loving reading about the story God is writing for your life…so encouraging:) looking forward to following! love Katie

  3. erin says:

    So awesome Wynne, you are a light. 🙂

  4. Jenna Knight says:


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