Secret things belong to God + Declare Conference!

February 27, 2010 I wrote [on a draft no less..never posted!]…I am in an interesting place right now – just trying to be where I am & not look to the future. Deuteronomy 29:29 basically says that “secret things belong to god” and secret things are things of the future. I have no idea what the Lord is working out in my life right now, but after this weekend I feel more passionate about my “long term goal” {which, by the way has DRASTICALLY changed from what my lifetime goal has always been} of being a mommy and maybe one day a photographer 🙂 What I would love the most is not having to do it for $ and just doing it for fun/ministry. But, again – who knows what the Lord has in store for me!

Pretty crazy that almost exactly 3 years later my “long term goal” is my real life.

being a mommy.

and a photographer – but not for business or money but for ministry.

I never would have known where photography would take me when I signed up for a class “randomly” at church called “digital photography for ministry”.  God knew!  The “secret things” did and do belong to God.  reading back on that blog entry my heart just leaped for joy.  knowing NOW my long term goal, and the “secret things” that belong to God are now deeper, stronger.  Who knows where we’ll be 3 years from now.  but I know it will be more than I can ever hope or imagine.

all we have to do is be obedient to Him.  

dream BIG.

know that He is working in our lives even when we can’t see it.  

he is going to use skills/gifts/passions/talents for HIS glory.

to think THIS was one of the first photographs I ever took for that class….

oh so random.

but since then!!!

since then!

God has used me + this passion to tell stories from all over the world. 

Ethiopia, el salvador, Rwanda, Uganda, op camp, heart gallery, safe place, and the list goes on and will continue to go on.

because I want to use my gifts + passions for HIM!

I am excited that He’s giving me the opportunity to speak and share these passions + how we can use our CREATIVITY [for me, photography] for GOOD.  for the orphan.  for story telling.  

I’ll be speaking on a panel at Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit in Nashville in May 


getting to speak at Declare conference in Dallas in August. [a christian blogging conference!]

BOTH about photography. [well and you know the other things that my heart beats for]

so stay tuned 😉 

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Claire says:

    That’s amazing! I am always in awe of God working out his big plans and sometimes we just have to step back to notice! I really wanted to comment I guess because I am where you were 3 years ago with great plans and just lifting them up to God and saying I don’t want to commit to my plans I want to commit to Gods plans. I know he is in control and was just blogging today about that and how awesome that is. Off to type a draft post and lift it to God!

  2. Jenni says:

    Wynne, What session will you be speaking in at the Summit? I might be going and I wouldn’t want to miss you. 🙂

    • Wynne says:

      hey! it’s called Creative Compassion: Using Artistic Gifts to Make a Difference under the art, advocacy and orphan track! yay!!

  3. Megan says:

    I am new to your blog and new to the adoption community, but I’m so excited to be ‘getting to know’ everyone while we start our journey. Thanks for sharing about what God has done, and is doing, in your life!

  4. Wynne – awesome to hear how God has blessed you with these amazing opportunities! Can’t wait to meet in real life at Summit:-)

  5. Victoria says:

    This makes my heart so happy! I feel like where I am right now, is where you were then… just dreaming. It’s so encouraging to see you live out your life for Christ and to declare that here on the lovely interwebs. I adore reading about your precious journey! It has been such a cool think for me as a newly wed, to feel like I am indirectly being mentored by so many incredibly, Godly women through reading their blogs- YOU being one!

    XOXO Victoria

    • Wynne says:

      victoria – what a sweet comment! thank you! and I’m STILL dreaming – dreaming big dreams always and trusting in the lord & his plan. the best to you in your first years of marriage – dream big & pray harder!

  6. Bailey Jean says:

    “The secret things belong to the Lord”. What a comfort! In the few short weeks since stumbling upon your blog, it has been such a blessing and encouragement! Your heart for seeking His purposes in all things reminds me that it is possible to do daily, along with dreaming the big dreams He has given me. I am a few short months away from graduating Baylor and I fully believe He keeps the secret things safe and is perfecting His plans for me until He wants to reveal them. Thanks for the reminder to trust Him with the unknown and to keep dreaming with Him. Who knows what the next 3 years will do 🙂

    • Wynne says:

      i love that bailey! thank you for your encouragement to me & I hope I can continue to be an encouragement to you! it truly is exciting to look into the unknown and know that god can do IMMEASURABLY more than ALL we ask or imagine! press on sister! and go bears 😉

  7. Ashley says:

    Love this post- so needed it today. And I almost let out a squeal when I read you’re going to be at Orphan summit!! I just registered last week- I look forward to it every year. Would love to meet you!

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