

according to the book I’m reading by Jeff Goins [Wrecked], “being wrecked begins where the adventure ends.”  He starts his chapter called From Wrecked to Committed by saying this,

“I believe in the importance of leaving home, of having an experience that wrecks you.  There is something transformative that happens in a person’s life when he leaves that which is comfortable for the first time.”

going.  that’s the adventure, the expierence that wrecks us.  I truly believe in the saying that “I need Africa more than Africa needs me”.  YES we go over there to HELP, to spread the gospel, to give them the tools they need to fight poverty, disease and to show them the love of Christ- but in that process – WE are changed.  WE are wrecked.  So while we sign up (and should sign up) to go on mission to fulfil the calling and command God gives us, we have to know that HE is going to change us through it along with the people we are going to serve.  and that’s a good thing.

After my husband & I went on our first trip – we were wrecked.  broken.  our LIVES were gloriously RUINED.  meaning we could NOT go back to life “as we knew it”.  As Jen Hatmaker said on our Noonday ambassador call this week, once you’ve seen – you can’t unsee! Once you KNOW the facts and more importantly once you KNOW the people – you CAN’T UNKNOWN THEM.  You see them as what they truly are – daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.  They are real live people living on the other side of the world, the third world. It reminds me of the Sara Groves song, “I saw what I saw and I can’t forget it.  I heard what I heard and I can’t go back.  I know what I know and I can’t deny it”  she also says in that song, “your pain has changed me”.  yes.  when we enter into their brokenness, we are changed.

Compassion, as Jeff puts it, means to “suffer with”.  He says, “if you’re trying to serve someone in need and it doesn’t hurt a little, you’re doing something wrong.  TRUE compassion leads your heart to break (Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours!).  “THIS”, he says, “Is life – real and raw and gritty, full of all the things you’d rather NOT see.  and if you are going to change something, you are going to have to enter into the brokenness and experience some of the pain therein.”

meaning we have to GO.  whether that’s down the street to work with the homeless ministry under the bridge, becoming foster parents, or going to a third world country.  your going will look different than mine.  the bottom line is, we have to experience pain + brokenness in a REAL way to be wrecked.

so really.  I understand why people are leery to say YES to going on a short term mission trip.  I know why I was (am still am in certain cases/for ex: Haiti.  scares the crap outta me) scared to go on mission.  Because you KNOW with all your heart that ONCE YOU SEE, you will be RESPONSIBLE!!  

Proverbs 24:12 says,

If you say, “behold, we did not know this.”  Does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?”

ouch.  that’s the WORD of God yall.  which means it’s the truth.

we are scared.  we are afraid of what’s out there.  we are afraid of wrecking our prefect version of the “American dream”.  we are too scared to wreck that & trade it in.  but yall, the trade in IS. SO. WORTH. IT.  your life, although RUINED from this point forward, will be more full than it ever has.  Your heart will change and transform and break for the things of God.  for the people of God!  Your life will never be the same!  and yall it is (although painful + very hard at times) A BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!!  God never promised life as followers of Jesus to be easy.

John 16:33 says,

“in this world you WILL HAVE TROUBLE, but take heart – I have overcome the world”.

so what are we waiting for?  what are WE afraid of? I want my life to continue to be wrecked, broken and ruined for the things of god!  This is a journey my friends.  

Micha 6:8 says,

“and what does the Lord require of you but to do JUSTICE, love MERCY & walk HUMBLY with our God”

Well my friends.  that’s really all I can say about that.  the truth of the living and active word of God speaks.  If you are willing to fulfil the command of the Lord in James 1:27 and “visit orphans and widows in their distress”  we’d be glad for you (any of you – men or women) to join us on our Man Up trip to Uganda & Ethiopia June 5-15.  Or any other Man Up trip.  Or any Visiting Orphans trip.  or any Ordinary Hero trip.  really any trip.  I have a “missions” resource page – go check it out HERE.  Be in prayer about what God is calling you & your family to do.  Is He calling you?

If we are willing – we WILL ALL BE WRECKED.  thanks Jeff.  

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Allison H. says:

    Heading to Haiti this November with Visiting Orphans! Can’t wait to hear more about your Man Up Trip 🙂

    • Wynne says:

      oh that is AWESOME!! have you ever been? I haven’t been to haiti YET. but have been other places with VO – you are going to love it!

  2. Anonymous says:

    “the bottom line is, we have to experience pain + brokenness in a REAL way to be wrecked.”

    I think it’s a little absurd to delineate between “REAL” pain and brokenness and other pain and brokenness.

    The 16 year old girl whose boyfriend just broke up with her, The 45 year old that didn’t get that promotion at work… the pain and brokenness that they feel is just as true and real, and is no less sad, than the pain and brokenness in 3rd world countries.

  3. Kristian says:

    My husband and I are heading to Guatemala this summer with the youth from our church! Your writing is beautiful! Praying that The Lord will use you in a mighty way in Haiti!

  4. Brianna says:

    I have been praying for an opportunity to go on another mission trip. Thank you for your encouraging words! Love your blog! Keep up the beautiful writing!

  5. Girl you killed it. Yes and Amen.

  6. Susanelizabeth says:

    Beautiful. I pack my bags(mentally)to go, somewhere. And yet, my Africa, Calcutta is here. So, I pray and support as others go. It’s one of the ways God keeps my heart from exploding.

    You’ll have my prayers and my heart as you go….

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