Africa. you should know by now that it holds a very special place in my heart. It’s grown to be a part of me, and just like the video above says, “I need Africa more than Africa needs me”. I remember being in a more than questionable hotel room in Rwanda with my younger sister, Rachel talking about this. I was putting on my INA shirt to sleep in + noticed the words on the inside. I read them aloud and we talked about it.
“I know now that my joy should have no regard for my circumstances. I’m ashamed by my lack of faith, but at the very same moment I am excited by my new pursuit. I’m forced to redefine the meaning of having much or having little. I’m uneasy with the prospect of change and of letting go, but just the thought of freedom is liberating. I want what I have learned to trickle down from my head into my heart – I no longer want to need the “next thing to have joy. It’s Africa that has taught me that possessions in my hands will never be as valuable as peace in my heart“.
Africa has turned my life upside down. God has used it to gloriously ruin my life. [hence the name of this blog] Africa took what I knew about life and the world, and turned it upside down. It showed me that relationships + faith are hands down the most important things in life. The people of Africa have a beautiful way of showing the people they love how much they love them. There is no “hurry” in Africa. I’m convinced the importance of people + relationships are why we call “Africa time”, well Africa time. They have taught me much, and I too want what they have taught me to trickle down from my head to my heart. Each time I return from a trip to Africa, I have a hard time with my “stuff”. My possessions. Africa has given me a new perspective on what God has entrusted me with. Most of the time now, I am just really thankful for running water/electricity/a roof over my head/a car/internet/medical care. Now I see and I remember that possessions in my hands will never be as valuable as peace in my heart. It’s a hard lesson to learn, and I’m still learning it. somedays it’s a battle. but being a part of efforts in Africa, being in relationships with the people, being on my knees crying out to God on their behalf – it keeps me connected. It keeps me needing to go back, because when I go back I always gain a fresh perspective on what’s really important in life.
It’s an honor to get to share about Mocha Club + I Need Africa 2.0 with you because Mocha Club was one of the first organizations I got involved with when God broke my heart for the people of Africa. It’s an amazing model + I have loved watching it grow. Each month some of my “mocha money” goes towards orphan care projects in Africa. And so can yours! Or you might chose to give your coffee money to clean water projects, economic freedom, health career education projects. get involved, join the club.
The pocket comes from a fashionABLE scarf, made by Africans who have been given new opportunity. This shirt symbolizes the heart behind INA: that Africa, with all its need, has much to give & teach us.
SO what can you do? how can you help?
visit http://www.themochaclub.org/i-need-africa/to learn more about how YOU can join Mocha Club [and get this cute t for free!], successfully invite a friend to join the Mocha Club [and get this shirt/or the scarf free] or simply purchase this really cute pocket t.
share your thoughts on I Need Africa today on social media using the hashtag #ineedafrica
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
you. are. stunning.
And so is your heart.
you are so sweet Kacia 😉
Wynne – I LOVE THIS!! Thanks for sharing.