I love people who are hungry. hungry to learn more about god. hungry to have their world rocked. hungry to lay down what they want, for what god might call them to.
why are we so afraid? why is what’s “comfortable” comfortable? and how do we know what it’s like to be uncomfortable until we’ve been there?
I want to be uncomfortable. well, I don’t in my flesh, but the spirit calls me out into a life of risk [thanks for that Jenna]
there are a lot of excuses. and mostly what I hear in them [from my own mouth] is selfishness. or trying to keep up appearances, or expectations.
what if we went for it? if we loved with abandon? if we said yes to the uncomfortable? said yes to things that scared us?
I want to be hungry for that. I want to be around others who are hungry.
are you hungry?
and a random picture of the cutest boy I know. he looks hungry in this picture, right?
ps- maybe this is on my mind because i’m actually physically hungry too. my hubby + I are in a weight loss competition and I’m currently down 6.5 pounds! I think I’m going to win 😉
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
I’m hungry for your cornbread recipe 🙂 Ok, Ok I’ll leave you alone about it..ha! Sweet boy! Congrats on 6.5 lbs, that’s awesome!
YES GIRL! let me email it to you!!!
he does look hungry 😉
I am currently going through this hunger for God and to be who he has designed me to be. i realize in my flesh and every day life i can be a real monster but when i am talking of Him or to Him I am kind and sweet.
thanks for this!
Hannah, 🙂 that is amazing. YES I desire to live a life led by the spirit!! thanks for sharing your heart!
thank you for this encouraging post 🙂 my husband and i have both prayed for the uncomfortable….we are actually living in an “uncomfortable” season….there’s great joy….but at the same time we are fighting it. i don’t get it! we’ve wanted this…we’ve prayed for this…but at the same time we desire comfort. we are willing to risk and do something difficult – but we want to be comfortable at the same time! it’s something we are praying about….asking God to change our expectations from our desires to HIS. have a great weekend!
Noelle, I get it. it IS a fight! the bible never said it’s going to be EASY. what a joy to get to walk that road with your husband! supporting each other and going through it all as a couple! i too, am working on giving my desires to GOD and seeing what He wants from them! good stuff!
i’m hungry for community/fellowship. this has been a crazy/hard year and a time of transition. i finally feel like we have both feet planted here in Waco and i’m ready (and have been ready) to start sharing life with some people!
katy! oh that is always my deep desire! it’s so hard when you move to a new place at first, but hang in there! your people will come!