on my heart

this is what’s been on my heart this week.  I wrote it throughout the week.

feeling a little emotional tonight.  maybe it’s the wine.  maybe it’s the fact that my hunny is away for work [back now!].  maybe it’s the group texts….but I’m feeling it.  Do yall ever get that way?   Not sad, just emotional?  It’s a mix of I’m-so-thankful-for-what-I-have and missing loved ones that are far away.  It hurts.  but it’s happy.  I’m thankful for group texts that help me feel connected.  a simple “I’m thinking of you, what are yall up to” starts this whole conversation that makes me laugh and smile so hard.  My baylor girls.  My midland girls.  I know I’m more than thankful to have these two amazing groups of friends who have been there and will continue to be there – through the thick and thin.  God provides people, and even if those people are far away, isn’t it amazing how connected we can feel to them?  I was reading an interview by my “big sister” Jessica tonight and I was nodding my head and tearing up at the same time.  Missing her, but also feeling connected.  I guess that’s the power of the internet.  I don’t know how many times friends far away say, “I miss you, but I feel connected to you through facebook/blog/instagram”.  I love that, and I hate it.  I wish there could be more face to face.  I love actually talking on the phone.  I know some hate it, but I would much rather talk on the phone [when I don’t have screaming kids awake] than text.  I’m afraid for the next generation and I hope they know and appreciate the power of a face to face conversation.  There are things that are easier to say via text/email/facebook but there are other things that make it worth it to say face to face.  I miss my sisters.  I want some face time with them!  I dream of a sister day – talking, hanging out, having some wine, nothing special – just time with them face to face.  It’s become so precious to me.

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That’s all.  I’m just feeling emotional this week.  So beyond thankful for ALL God has blessed me with, all the friends and mentors He’s put in my life, and wanting to never forget those sweet blessings.  I want to be that blessing to others.  I want to be connected.

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Chantel Diane says:

    Good morning my girl! I too just 2 days ago was feeling that emotional-thankful feeling! The time is SO precious spent with loved ones, as they are scattered across the world. So thankful for you. Your heart. Praying in for some real face time, or lets try a real phone call SO blessed to call you friend! My life surely was changed, found a girl after my own heart on those streets in Korah. Miss you friend. There is no one like you, and I treasure the jewel that you are! LOVES> Always keep writing! I MISS YOU!!!

    • Wynne says:

      love you sweet sister Chantel! you are so right – time is so precious, even when those people are all over the country and the world. let’s please have a real phone date soon! after the thanksgiving break for sure 😉 miss you and LOVE you and thank you for all of your encouragement!!!

  2. katy says:

    yes, yes, yes. I have fought back tears all day ever since worship this morning… emotions of all sorts- broken for family members going through hard things, angry at the injustice in this world, overwhelmed with thankfulness for how the Lord has provided and the things He has taught us this past year… emotional. yes. 🙂

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