all the podcasts.


according to the dictionary, a podcast is:  a program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet.

however you want to explain it, they are all the heart eyes to me.  As someone who LOVES to connect with people, hear stories, talk, listen, get creative ideas, be challenged + encouraged + inspired — I absolutely love listening to podcasts.  I started listening to podcasts two years ago (this month!), and I only know that because I’m pretty sure the first time I heard of a podcast was when my friend Jamie asked me to be a guest on her show.  I was her 4th guest and you can listen to that here!

After that I started to get hooked and my obsession has only grown.  so I hope to give you some insight to podcast listening! 

++when do you LISTEN to podcasts? 

well, this is the best part.  as a busy woman/mama/working gal your time is precious, this I know.  but!  what I’ve found, is there are so many moments in my week where I’m doing mindless tasks.  so why not listen to something that will make the time go by faster?

++my favorite times to listen:: 

folding the laundry — doing the dishes — putting up the laundry — making kids lunches — cleaning up kitchen after kids go to bed — driving around town running errands alone — on road trips.  and since most podcasts come out the same day each week, I can plan what I’m going to listen to when 🙂

++now, you must want to know WHAT I listen to!  well I’d love to share!

Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey 


I love Jamie’s show because it’s super fun.  Hello it’s called happy hour.  It’s basically Jamie talking to a girlfriend like they would if they were at happy hour – the big things in life, the little things in life and everything in between.  I love it because Jamie is so just real and makes all her guests feel comfortable enough to just be themselves too.  I look forward to Wednesday each week to see who Jamie has on – a lot of her guests I know of, and a lot I don’t so it’s fun to get acquainted to new people.

I happen to be on her show last week for the Mother’s Day episode talking about infertility, with some other amazing women.  It’s been so fun to see how much that episode encouraged women to better love their friends who are struggling with infertility.

Moms Struggling Well with Emily Thomas


I love Emily.  I met her this spring at IF Gathering and Hope Spoken, and she’s just naturally drawn to want to hear your story and truly listen to your struggles.  She’s also a mom on a mission to get a new perspective! She knows that as moms we all struggle (and they will continue to) so what if we make a new plan and move past just struggling to struggle well.  I love her guests and am every single week inspired by the stories they live, and the ways they are allowing God to move.  It’s really not a podcast all about mothering, so if you a woman and you struggle..this is also for you!

I also was featured on Emily’s podcast last week!  We talk about The Carry Camp, haven-making, what brought us to Bryan, and making friends when you feel isolated.  Would be honored if you listened.

A Mom’s Mission Field with Tiffany Castleberry


Each week Tiffany interviews amazing women who are reaching people for jesus and raising a family at the same time — she hopes they encourage you to find YOUR mission field, that spaces where your passions and god’s purpose collide.  I was sorta late to the game on this one, but ever since I found Tiffany this spring, I have been binge listening.  The idea of this podcast is so near to my heart, because I want to reach people for Jesus while I too raise my family – I’ve been so inspired by her guests and I know you will too!

God Centered Mom by Heather MacFayden


Heather has been doing this for a long time.  This week was episode 119.  wow!  and honestly, I don’t always spend a lot of time listening / reading parenting specific things (did I just admit that?) but when I need some direction, encouragement, wisdom…this is one of the places I turn.  so practical and helpful and I just love my friend Heather!

Hyper Caroline Hobby 


This one is the most out of the norm from the rest, but I’m so proud of my lifelong friend Caroline Hobby for following her dreams and starting this super fun podcast.  Caroline has been living in Nashville over 12 years, and has been in many parts of the music biz – an artist herself, songwriter, publisher, promotional queen, and she’s married to Michael Hobby of A Thousand Horses.  Basically she knows the coolest people in the music scene in Nashville, and her podcast gives you a sneak peak into their world.  In her words,  this podcast is a must listen for dream chasers, connectors and bad asses in training. 


and I’m always listening to single episodes of people I love and am inspired by, and finding new podcasts that way!  if you are a creative/writer– I love the Hope Writers podcast, Declare Conference Podcast, and Influence podcast.  oh, and this weekend on the road I’m totally going to be tuning into the Personality Hacker podcast because, well.  I’m obsessed with personality assessments.

++How do you listen and subscribe? 

If you have an iPhone, search for your podcast app – it comes on your phone and is free.  if you click “my podcasts” you can click the + button and search for and subscribe to these fun podcasts then have them show up in your app every time there’s a new one!  here’s a screen shot of some of the podcasts on my subscribe list.


What podcasts do YOU listen to?  I’d love to hear! 

Hey, I'm Wynne!

Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life.  I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.

A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!

let'e be friends

  1. Andrea says:

    I am obsessed with The Happy Hour – I am Type A and have to listen in order so I started from the beginning and have just now made it to #46. I do it while driving, home tasks, cleaning, and even sometimes while returning emails.

    Love love love podcasts!

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