Tuesday morning.
harvest latte in hand, in the back of a favorite local downtown coffee shop.
my sweet sitter at my house with my sleeping baby.
words swirling in my mind, just waiting to be put to paper.
my advent devotional this morning was talking about why Jesus was called “the Word” – and John Piper just sums it up so well, “the son of God became divine communication to us. One might say, in summary, calling Jesus “the Word” implies that he is “God-expressing-himself”, to us.”
we have been given this God authored desire and need to express ourselves, and it started with Jesus! what an opportunity we have through our words, and in this season of social media: instagram blogs, facebook to easily do just that: express ourselves! I guess sitting here with my laptop is my attempt at quieting all that is around me to find the words to express myself – I often say things like “I don’t even know what I’m feeling about something until I actually sit down and write it”.
on my heart today is the fact that as busy women, wives, moms, business owners – it’s soooooo easy to get trapped in the hamster wheel of busy. it’s all about everyone else – what they need, what needs to get checked off the list, looking ahead, catching up, it’s ongoing. in the words of my friend alice anne (to the tune of “the road goes on forever” by REK)…”the road goes on forever and the laundry never ends”. can I get an amen?!
but what sets YOUR SOUL ON FIRE???
I am just as guilty as you. I glorify busy, and productivity, and attempting to keep all the balls in the air (or something like that). I try to please all the people, be all things to everyone, and win the imaginary “mom of the year” award. but where does that get us, friends? praise? applause? ….even IF IT DID, would that really satisfy us? what are we trying to prove? and who to?
I don’t come to you with the answers this morning, I just come with the questions that I’ve been pondering. I do know one thing about all this: it’s our identity in Christ, and knowing who we are IN HIM ALONE that satisfies us. that gives us freedom, and hope, and a way off the crazy train of busy. It allows us to truly LOVE ourselves and not constantly try to PROVE ourselves. We must must must take time to really ask our Creator about this – get to know who you are, how He made you to tick, how He’s gifted you and made you unique (as cheesy as that sounds).
I have some fun tools I’ve been using: like strengths finder , the enneagram, and various leadership trainings I’ve received through my amazing leadership in young living.
so back to setting your soul on fire!!! we must KNOW ourselves, know what makes us tick, know what we are passionate about first — then we press into those places. this is just the beginning of that conversation…..
planting some seeds, yall.
more to come.
Hey, I'm Wynne!
Hi, friend! First, I truly am so giddy that you are here. I want you to know I believe in you and all the ways you are growing towards living a more intentional life. I genuinely hope you are encouraged from our time together here.
A little about me, I’m a type 7 on the enneagram, a total extrovert + people lover, entrepreneur, connector, storyteller, people gatherer, and passionate wife, mama + friend. I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places and surrounded by people I love. Give me a day in the outdoors disconnected from wifi, and I am a happy girl. I run on oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with my four kids.
Welcome, come on in!
Oh friend! I can so relate to that hamster wheel of busy! I’ve really trying to be intentional about slowing down this season!
I have been thinking about this so much and thinking about how we need to catch up. Even with my Noonday business I don’t know how to even consider slowing down because I want to work hard and enjoy working hard…and yet I get on that hamster wheel OFTEN. Thanks for sharing this!
I love this! I was so anticipating crossing off my to-do list early so that I would have plenty of time to relax and enjoy the Christmas season. And yet here I am…just days before Christmas (not to mention my daughter’s birthday tomorrow and our anniversary last weekend which we still haven’t celebrated because… #teethingbaby) sccrambling to get things done. Not the restful week I was hoping for. Ready for some baking and Christmas movies.